Journal Issues

Issues are listed beginning with the most recent issue.

Click on the issue title for more information. Click on the article title to view the full text.

You can also browse by topic or author by using the main menu under “Articles.”


October/November 2021: The Ethics of Pan-Lutheran Dialogue

August/September 2021: Lutheran Higher Education, Rooted and Open

June/July 2021: Book Review Issue

May 2021 Editor's Introduction: Lutheran Ethicists' Gathering Part II

Journal of Lutheran Ethics April 2021: Lutheran Ethicists' Gathering Part 1

February 2021: Racism, Justice, and Mercy: How Lutherans might think differently and work towards a constructive future of racial justice

October/November 2020: Gun Violence and Childhood Trauma

August/September 2020: Women’s Leadership in the Church, State, and Academy

June/July 2020: Book Review Issue

May 2020 Special Issue: COVID-19