Book Reviews

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Reading Scripture as a Political Act: Essays on the Theopolitical Interpretation of the Bible (Fortress, 2015)

[1] It is a challenging task to provide a clear and fair evaluation of a volume of collected essays. This is doubly true when the volume includes contributions from more than a dozen different authors whose diverse interests coalesce around an emerging ​theme still being defined. In this instance, a reviewer more closely resembles a […]

Nonviolent Action: What Christian Ethics Demands but Most Christians Have Never Really Tried (Brazos Press, 2015)

[1] There are few authors who can get away with quoting themselves in an epigraph. The prolific and popular evangelical leader Ron Sider, who does just that in Nonviolent Action, is perhaps one of them. Sider’s influence and rich experiences as a Witness for Peace volunteer and early proponent of organized, collective nonviolent activism lend […]

Loving Later Life: An Ethics of Aging (Eerdmans, 2015)

[1] Frits de Lange is professor of ethics at the Protestant Theological University in the Netherlands and Extraordinary Professor in Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. His book on the ethics of aging needs no apology for its relevance in the graying of our world, a phenomenon more immediate affluent […]

Review: The Living God and the Fullness of Life (WJK Press, 2015)

[1] Jürgen Moltmann’s place in the history of Christian theology since the 1960s is secure. Together with Wolfhart Pannenberg he established the theology of hope in the 1960s, reclaiming the centrality of eschatology for Christian thinking and life and contributing significantly to the development of political and liberation theologies. His 1972 work, The Crucified God, […]

Review: Bonhoeffer’s Black Jesus: Harlem Renaissance Theology and an Ethic of Resistance (Baylor University Press, 2014)

[1] This book reestablishes Williams’s doctoral dissertation work at Fuller Theological Seminary, entitled: “Christ-Centered Empathic Resistance: The Influence of Harlem Renaissance Theology on the Incarnational Ethic of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.” Williams’ exploration is a welcome journey into a domain of praxiological substance in a contemporary age where vain ideologies, boisterous pathologies, and impotent philosophies have become […]

Review: A Child Shall Lead Them: Martin Luther King, Jr., Young People, and The Movement (Fortress Press, 2014)

[1] Rufus Burrow Jr.’s A Child Shall Lead Them is about the courage and contributions made by black children and youth, and some whites (282), in the struggle for civil and human rights in the United States. We see in this narrative how black children, youth and others aided the efforts of Martin Luther King […]

Review: Following Jesus: Biblical Reflections on Discipleship (Eerdmans, 2014)

[1] In N.T. ‘Tom’ Wright’s Following Jesus: Biblical Reflections on Discipleship, one finds the same compelling insights into the Bible that make Wright’s “The Bible for Everyone” series so popular. Rather than biblical commentary, in Following Jesus Wright describes Christian discipleship based on different images of Jesus Christ and a variety of religious themes. [2] […]

The Other Jonathan Edwards: Selected Writings on Society, Love, and Justice (University of Massachusetts Press, 2015)

[1] Much attention globally is being given to the life and thought of Jonathan Edwards. The Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale is an excellent gateway to much of this activity. Yale University is to be commended for making available his works, with accompanying scholarly introductions, in twenty-six printed volumes as well as in digital format. […]

Jesus and Jihad: Reclaiming the Prophetic Heart of Christianity and Islam (Cascade Books, 2015)

Robert F. Shedinger, Jesus and Jihad: Reclaiming the Prophetic Heart of Christianity and Islam. Eugene. Oregon: Cascade Books, 2015, 176 Pages, $21.00.

Changing the Questions: Explorations in Christian Ethics (Maryknoll, 2015)

Margaret A. Farley. Changing the Questions: Explorations in Christian Ethics. Maryknoll, NY: 2015, 376 pages, $30.00