Jennifer Hockenbery
- Lead Free Superhero! An Interview with Deanna Branch (from February/March 2025: Strong Babies! The Ethics of Raising Healthy Children)
- For Congregational Discussion: Strong Babies! The Ethics of Raising Healthy Children (from February/March 2025: Strong Babies! The Ethics of Raising Healthy Children)
- Editor's Introduction: Strong Babies! The Ethics of Raising Healthy Children (from February/March 2025: Strong Babies! The Ethics of Raising Healthy Children)
- For Congregational Discussion: Vocation in Turbulent Times (from December 2024/January 2025: Vocation in Turbulent Times)
- Editor's Introduction: Vocation in Turbulent Times (from December 2024/January 2025: Vocation in Turbulent Times)
- October/November 2024: For Congregational Discussion (from October/November 2024: Ordinary Faith as an Antidote to Polarization)
- Editor's Introduction: Ordinary Faith as an Antidote to Polarization (from October/November 2024: Ordinary Faith as an Antidote to Polarization)
- For Congregational Discussion: Ethical Considerations on Artificial Intelligence (from August/September 2024: Ethical Considerations on Artificial Intelligence)
- Editor's Introduction: Ethical Considerations on Artificial Intelligence. (from August/September 2024: Ethical Considerations on Artificial Intelligence)
- For Congregational Discussion: Responses to Christian Nationalism (from June/July 2024: Responses to Christian Nationalism)
- Editor's Introduction: Responses to Christian Nationalism (from June/July 2024: Responses to Christian Nationalism)
- For Congregational Discussion: Protecting Children: What Is the Role of the ELCA? (from April/May 2024: Protecting Children: What Is the Role of the ELCA?)
- Panel Discussion on Child Welfare: Lutheran Ethicists' Gathering 2024 (from April/May 2024: Protecting Children: What Is the Role of the ELCA?)
- Editor's Introduction: Protecting Children: What Is the Role of the ELCA? (from April/May 2024: Protecting Children: What Is the Role of the ELCA?)
- Editor's Introduction: Grief, Mourning, and Distress and the Search for Spiritual Care (from February/March 2024: Grief, Mourning, and Distress and the Search for Spiritual Care)
- Editor's Introduction: Addressing the Sin of Child Abuse (from December 2023/January 2024: Addressing the Sin of Child Abuse)
- For Congregational Discussion: Addressing the Sin of Child Abuse (from December 2023/January 2024: Addressing the Sin of Child Abuse)
- For Congregational Discussion: The Lutheran Catechism as a Call Towards Our Ethical Concerns (from October/November 2023: The Lutheran Catechism as a Call Towards Our Ethical Concerns)
- Editor's Introduction: The Lutheran Catechism as a Call Towards Our Ethical Concerns (from October/November 2023: The Lutheran Catechism as a Call Towards Our Ethical Concerns)
- For Congregational Discussion: The Ethics of Interfaith Dialogue (from August/September 2023: The Ethics of Interfaith Dialogue)
- Editor's Introduction: The Ethics of Interfaith Dialogue (from August/September 2023: The Ethics of Interfaith Dialogue)
- Notes from the Dialogue: What Can the ELCA Say or Do about Gun Violence Now? (from April/May 2023: Guns, Violence, Security in the U.S.: What Might the ELCA Say Now?)
- April/May 2023: For Congregational Discussion (from April/May 2023: Guns, Violence, Security in the U.S.: What Might the ELCA Say Now?)
- Editor's Introduction: Guns, Violence, Security in the U.S.: What Might the ELCA Say Now? (from April/May 2023: Guns, Violence, Security in the U.S.: What Might the ELCA Say Now?)
- Creating a Culture of Life (from February/March 2023: Il/legal Abortion: Lutheran Ethical Responses post-Dobbs)
- February/March 2023: For Congregational Discussion (from February/March 2023: Il/legal Abortion: Lutheran Ethical Responses post-Dobbs)
- February/March 2023: Editor’s Introduction Il/legal Abortion: Lutheran Ethical Responses Post-Dobbs (from February/March 2023: Il/legal Abortion: Lutheran Ethical Responses post-Dobbs)
- For Congregational Discussion: Civic Engagement and the Relationship of Church and State December 2022/January 2023 (from December 2022/January 2023: Civic Engagement and the Relationship of Church and State)
- Editor's Introduction: December 2022/January 2023 Civic Engagement and the Relationship of Church and State (from December 2022/January 2023: Civic Engagement and the Relationship of Church and State)
- For Congregational Discussion: October/November 2022 (from October/November 2022: What Does It Mean To Be Church Now?)
- Editor's Introduction: October/November 2022 What Does It Mean To Be Church Now? (from October/November 2022: What Does It Mean To Be Church Now?)
- For Congregational Discussion: August/September 2022: Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Sexuality (from August/September 2022: Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Sexuality)
- Editor’s Introduction (from August/September 2022: Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Sexuality)
- For Congregational Discussion April/May 2022: Restorative Justice: Prospects for Transformation & Penitence (from April/May 2022: Restorative Justice: Prospects for Transformation & Penitence)
- Editor's Introduction April/May 2022: Restorative Justice: Prospects for Transformation & Penitence (from April/May 2022: Restorative Justice: Prospects for Transformation & Penitence)
- For Congregational Discussion: Pastoral Ethics (from February/March 2022: Pastoral Ethics)
- Editor's Introduction, February/March 2022: Pastoral Ethics (from February/March 2022: Pastoral Ethics)
- Congregational Discussion Guide: 2020-2021, A Retrospective (from December 2021/January 2022: 2020-2021, A Retrospective)
- Editor's Introduction: December 2021/January 2022, 2020-2021, A Retrospective (from December 2021/January 2022: 2020-2021, A Retrospective)
- Call for Papers 2022 (from )
- For Congregational Discussion: The Ethics of Pan-Lutheran Dialogue and Debate (from October/November 2021: The Ethics of Pan-Lutheran Dialogue)
- Editor's Introduction October/November 2021: The Ethics of Pan-Lutheran Dialogue (from October/November 2021: The Ethics of Pan-Lutheran Dialogue)
- Book Review: Stjerna, Kirisi. Lutheran Theology: A Grammar of Faith. (NY: T&T Clark, 2021) (from August/September 2021: Lutheran Higher Education, Rooted and Open)
- Congregational Discussion Guide: Lutheran Higher Education (from August/September 2021: Lutheran Higher Education, Rooted and Open)
- Editor's Introduction August/September 2021: Lutheran Higher Education, Rooted and Open (from August/September 2021: Lutheran Higher Education, Rooted and Open)
- Editor's Introduction May 2021: Lutheran Ethicists' Gathering Part II (from May 2021 Editor's Introduction: Lutheran Ethicists' Gathering Part II)
- May 2021 Congregational Discussion Guide (from May 2021 Editor's Introduction: Lutheran Ethicists' Gathering Part II)
- Editor's Introduction: April/May 2021 (from Journal of Lutheran Ethics April 2021: Lutheran Ethicists' Gathering Part 1)
- Editor’s response to the February 2021 Issue (from Journal of Lutheran Ethics April 2021: Lutheran Ethicists' Gathering Part 1)
- Racism, Justice, and Mercy: For Congregational Discussion (from February 2021: Racism, Justice, and Mercy: How Lutherans might think differently and work towards a constructive future of racial justice)
- Editor’s Introduction (from February 2021: Racism, Justice, and Mercy: How Lutherans might think differently and work towards a constructive future of racial justice)
- Congregational Discussion Questions: Gun Violence and Childhood Trauma (from October/November 2020: Gun Violence and Childhood Trauma)
- Editor's Introduction: Gun Violence and Childhood Trauma (from October/November 2020: Gun Violence and Childhood Trauma)
- Editor's Introduction: Women's Ordination August/September 2020 (from August/September 2020: Women’s Leadership in the Church, State, and Academy)
- A Note from the Editor: June/July 2020 (from June/July 2020: Book Review Issue)
- Congregational Discussion Guide: COVID-19 (from May 2020 Special Issue: COVID-19)
- Editor's Introduction: Lutheran Theology and the Relationship between Church and State (from April/May 2020: Lutheran Theology and the Relationship between Church and State)
- Editor's Introduction: Faith, Science, and Climate Change (from February/March 2020 Faith, Science, and Climate Change)
- Introducing Myself as the New Editor of JLE (from August 2019: Book Review Issue)
Jennifer Hockenbery Dragseth
Suzanne E. Hoeferkamp Segovia