Denise Rector

Posts by Denise Rector

Rupturing Eschatology: Divine Glory and the Silence of the Cross (Fortress Press, 2014)

​Eric Trozzo, Rupturing Eschatology: Divine Glory and the Silence of the Cross. (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014).​

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By Bread Alone: The Bible through the Eyes of the Hungry (Fortress Press, 2014)

Shiela E. McGinn, Lai Lang, Elizabeth Ngan, Ahida Calderon-Pilarski, eds. By Bread Alone: The Bible through the Eyes of the Hungry. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014, 257 pages, $29.00

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Sufficient, Sustainable Livelihood for All

The following is an excerpt from the ELCA Social Statement “Sufficient, Sustainable Livelihood for All,” adopted by the sixth biennial Churchwide Assembly in August of 1999. To read the statement in full, click here ​. For all: especially those living in poverty [1] “For all” refers to the whole household of God—all people and creation […]

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A Black Lutheran Perspective on Poverty and Plenty

Excerpted from the official statement of the Conference of International Black Lutherans’ second meeting, “A Message from Bulawayo,” this piece discusses the complex social, economic, and political forces that create the crisis of poverty worldwide. Though the message was published in 1997, its contents are still frighteningly relevant today. ​

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“Poor People” as Other: Changing the Subject to “our” Challenges of and Living with Poverty

As Christians, we are called to serve the poor. However, how do we do so justly and effectively? Green notes that by identifying the poor as “other”–as something outside of “us”–we do a disservice to the community and often do not help those in need. Christians should stand in solidarity with those in poverty as members of the body of Christ.​

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Editor’s Introduction: Poverty

According to reliable information, 20% of American children and 13% of all Americans live in poverty. Globally, nearly one-half of the world’s population or approximately 3 billion people live on less than $ 2.50 a day. Given the tragic and widespread reality of poverty, how should Christians respond and how shall we live? This issue […]

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Before Nature: A Christian Spirituality (Fortress Press, 2014)

H. Paul Santmire. Before Nature: A Christian Spirituality. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014, 253 pages, $39.00

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Mediating Faith: Faith Formation in a Trans-Media Era (Fortress Press, 2014)

Clint Schnekloth, Mediating Faith: Faith Formation in a Trans-Media Era, Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2014, 126 pages, $29.00.

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Millennials: Getting Beyond Selfies, @, and #

Adam Pryor identifies three prominent characteristics of millennials. They have a much closer relationship with technology than previous generations, they have an optimistic belief about their ability to create positive change in the world, but they are also often disillusioned with organized religion. Engaging with the work of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Charles Taylor, Pryor explores how we can address millennials’ disillusionment by connecting with them through their passion for technology and justice work. ​

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Spirituality, Religion, and the Millennial Generation of Nones

Using the work of Martin Marty and Will Herberg, Merle Longwood explores how religious practice has changed in the United States over the centuries, putting our current situation in its historical and sociological context. He then complexifies common notions about nones by demonstrating how there are many different kinds of people who are “spiritual, but not religious.” In 21st century America, people are more oriented toward continual seeking for the divine. Longwood argues that to engage this new generation, churches could provide a space for spiritual seekers to explore, rather than trying to provide all the answers.

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