
Editor’s Introduction

The tragic death of Trayvon Martin has raised many issues for Americans in particular. The authors of the two articles in this edition of the Journal of Lutheran Ethics explore a couple of these issues in light of the Christian faith.

Review: Theological Reflection for Human Flourishing: Pastoral Practice and Public Theology

In this short and readable text, authors Helen Cameron, John Reader, and Victoria Slater summarize the results of an action learning event held at Ripon College in Cuddesdon, United Kingdom, in April of 2010. Participants reflected on moments of decision, when a person’s faith was compromised; moments of cross-cultural confrontation, when a person’s identity was in question; or moments of crisis, when a particularly difficult decision created conflict.

Review: A Thicker Jesus: Incarnational Discipleship in a Secular Age

The book presents what Stassen calls “Incarnational Discipleship”; part one gives the basic foundations, and part two shows how Incarnational Discipleship meets seven challenges of secularity. Throughout, Stassen is making the argument that Incarnational Discipleship meets four specific criteria for a valid theological ethic.

Review: Comparative Religious Ethics: Everyday Decisions for Our Everyday Lives

Christine Gudorf’s approach in Comparative Religious Ethics: Everyday Decisions for our Everyday Lives is to focus on the practical and the experiential in an attempt to “lift up values, meanings, and interpretations from religions and also from ‘secular’ thought (most of which has been influenced by the dominant religion of the culture) that are relevant to the most basic interests and activities of contemporary human beings in North America.”

Pursuing Gender Justice in the German Protestant Church

As a commissioner for equality and gender in the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Northern Germany, Thomas Schollas draws upon his experience to explore the meaning of the phrase “gender just Church.”

Being Woman, Being Human, Doing Justice

Caryn Riswold addresses two important concepts: the social construction of gender and the Lutheran theology of being created in God’s image. In speaking to all spheres of societal identifies, Riswold challenges the reader to think about how all gender identities can be protected and celebrated in the church as the image of God.

The Prophet Amos and Palestinian Women

Niveen Sarras highlights the nameless girl and the father-son duo in Amos 2:7c and brings context to the story by examining the rest of the book of Amos, arguing that the girl was raped. Sarras then uses the Amos story to explore the rape culture in modern Palestine and narrates the deep need for change.

Mapping Patriarchal Patterns in Violence: Some Lessons for a Theology of Gender Justice

Evangeline Anderson-Rajkumar opens with two case studies from India that demonstrate the connection between violence and patriarchy. She uses the studies to lead into a mapping of patterns of violence in patriarchal culture that exist in societies worldwide.

Editor’s Introduction: Gender Justice

As the articles in this issue of JLE demonstrate, Gender Justice is a global concern and phenomenon from Germany to India to Palestine to the United States. Please take time to read and reflect on these articles and consider the question of “How, then, shall we live?” I am grateful to Dr. Mary J. Streufert, […]

Of What Moral Value Is Vulnerability in the Conduct of Asymmetric Warfare?

[1] Asymmetric warfare involves, by definition, conflict between weaker and stronger antagonists—strength here as denominated in the quantity of material resources and the quality of technological sophistication that can be brought to bear against the enemy. The strong—the United States, preeminently—are tempted to deploy overwhelming force against opponents who lack the capacity to respond in […]