
Money, Religion and Tyranny: God and the Demonic in Luther’s Antifragile Theology

​We very often associate capitalism with the modern Occupy Wall Street movement, or Marx writing in the 19th century. However, Hansen argues Luther himself witnessed the emergence of capitalism in Europe. What did he have to say from a theological perspective about markets and debt?

​Editor’s Introduction: Economic Equity and Justice

A persistent and unfortunate reality in our world today is that, in relative terms, the rich get richer even as the poor get poorer. Is this just the inevitable and tragic nature of life or are there certain economic, market and other forces that combine to produce such a result, namely, marginalization? In the wake […]

Frugality: Antidote to Prodigality

in the air and waters. [2] The moral problem is not mainly that we seek “bad things,” though, of course, there are plenty of examples of people grasping for products they shouldn’t have at all, not even in moderation. Instead, the main problem is seeking too much of the many good things in life. In […]

To Tell or Not to Tell?: Autobiography and its Role in Theology in “Theologians In Their Own Words”

(Review: Theologians in Their Own Words. Edited by Derek R. Nelson, Joshua M Moritz, and Ted Peters.) [1] Teacher, social activist and womanist author bell hooks writes, “When professors bring narratives of their experiences into classroom discussions it eliminates the possibility that we can function as all-knowing, silent interrogators. It is often productive if professors […]

Book Review: Volker Küster, A Protestant Theology of Passion: Korean Minjung Theology Revisited

[1] Christian minjung theologies arose in the 1970s and 1980s in South Korea. They were articulated by a small group of Protestant pastors and intellectuals who became part and parcel of the late 20th century minjung movement—a cultural phenomenon led by artists, students, labor organizers, and intellectuals—that included a retrieval of traditional artistic forms, a […]

Beyond Hospitality

The Dilemma [1] In my last congregational ministry, prior to my election as a synod bishop, the congregation I served was standing on the brink of a crisis faced by hundreds of ELCA congregations now. We were a vibrant, growing, intergenerational, mission-driven, middle-class, white, English-speaking faith community, living and working in a mission field that […]

Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service 12/14/2013 This piece is from Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and is reprinted with permission. To see it in its original form, click here. For more information about the work of this great organization, check out their website [1] An estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants currently reside in the […]

Editor’s Introduction

Immigration reform continues to be a major issue confronting the United States of America. This issue of the Journal of Lutheran Ethics provides information on comprehensive immigration reform thanks to the ministry of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. In addition, the authors of the two articles explore and suggest what the church needs to do […]

Exploring the Role of Unconscious Bias in the Immigration Debate and the Transformative Power of the Church

Imagining Undocumented Immigrants [1] What does an undocumented immigrant look like? What images do those words elicit in your mind, and what feelings and emotions do those images evoke? Compassion? Pity? Anger? Puzzlement? Anxiety? Admiration? Indifference? Those are probably not easy questions to answer, even if you happen to be an undocumented immigrant yourself! However, […]

Reviews: Blessed Are the Consumers: Climate Change and the Practice of Restraint and Resisting Structural Evil: Love as Ecological-Economic Vocation

Sallie McFague and Cynthia Moe-Lobeda agree: the world is in trouble and we are to blame. Rising sea levels due to climate change; species extinction; massive inequalities between rich and poor on a global scale; unstable economies predicated on dwindling reserves of petroleum… the list goes on. These two eminent eco-theologians have faced the prospect of environmental catastrophe, but in their newest books – both released from Fortress this year – they bring messages of hope.