
We Are Who We Think We Were: Christian History and Christian Ethics (Fortress, 2013)

Aaron D. Conley. We Are Who We Think We Were: Christian History and Christian Ethics (Minneapolis, Fortress: 2013), 224 pages, $59.00. Emerging Scholars Series

The Drone Wars and Just War

Drones have risen in prominence during the war on terror in the last ten years. In theory, they make war safer, by protecting civilians and American soldiers. However, ​is this actually how drones function? And what are the moral and psychological implications of committing acts of violence thousands of miles away behind a screen? Bell examines the darker side of drones and how the rise of robotic warfare will change the moral landscape of combat.

Faith and Human Rights: Christianity and the Global Struggle for Human Dignity; The God You Have: Politics, Religion, and the First Commandment

Faith and Human Rights: Christianity and the Global Struggle for Human Dignity by Richard Amesbury and George M. Newlands and The God You Have: Politics, Religion, and the First Commandment by Patrick D. Miller

The Morally Divided Body: Ethical Disagreement and the Disunity of the Church (Cascade Books, 2012)

The Morally Divided Body: Ethical Disagreement and the Disunity of the Church. Pro Ecclesia Series. Editors: Michael Root and James J. Buckley. Eugene Oregon: Cascade Books, 2012, p. 145.

Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith: Religion in American War and Diplomacy. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group

Preston, Andrew (2012-02-28). Sword of the Spirit, Shield of Faith: Religion in American War and Diplomacy. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

Ryan P. Cumming. The African American Challenge to Just War Theory: A Christian Approach (Palgrave MacMillan, 2013)

Book Review: Ryan P. Cumming. The African American Challenge to Just War Theory: A Christian Approach. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2013, 235 pages, $65.33

For Peace in God’s World

The Social Statement ​For Peace in God’s World was adopted by the fourth Churchwide Assembly in 1995. Read some excerpts from the statement here.

Punitive Justice in War: Sounding out the 1995 ELCA Social Statement

The ELCA social statement For Peace in God’s World​ provides a moral framework for evaluating the relationship between war and justice. ​Herman explores if the statement is theologically deep enough to grapple with modern warfare, which looks very different now than it did twenty years ago when the statement was adopted. Using Nigel Biggar’s In Defence of War​, Herman looks at just war theory and how it applies our political and moral landscape today.

Editor’s Introduction

This month’s journal on war and peace is published in the shadow of Memorial Day, an observance and national holiday in the United States on which those who have defended the country and died in wars are remembered. Globally and throughout human history, it is estimated that the total number of people killed in conflicts […]

Solidarity Ethics: Transformation in a Globalized World (Fortress Press, 2014)

Peters, Rebecca Todd. Solidarity Ethics: Transformation in a Globalized World. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2014.