
Preaching and Politics at All Saints Episcopal Church, Pasadena, California

[1] According to news reports, the Internal Revenue Service has threatened All Saints Episcopal Church (Pasadena, CA) with revocation of its tax-exempt status under 26 U.S.C. section 501(c)(3) because of a sermon preached by the church’s former rector, Rev. George F. Regas, on October 31, 2004, just before the Bush-Kerry presidential election. [2] Rev. Regas’ […]

Pursuing God with U2: An Adult Study

The following article, which includes the first three weeks of a six-week adult education program, has been excepted from Get Up Off Your Knees edited by Raewynne J. Whiteley and Beth Maynard. It has been reprinted here by permission of the publisher, Cowley Publications. For more information about purchasing this book from Cowley Publications, please […]

Response to Reviews of Just War against Terror

[1] I shall respond to each interlocutor in turn. [2] First, to Jeff Swanson, I wish to say that he has understood what I was attempting in Just War against Terror by drawing Paul Tillich and Reinhold Niebuhr into the debate. Even at this late date, there are many-including, alas, many representing our churches-who seem […]

The Scope of Our Democracy: A Response to Mark Noll

[1] Mark Noll sketches his positions on six issues that he considers to be “paramount,” and declares that he will not be voting in the presidential election because neither of the major parties is “willing to consider the political coherence of this combination of convictions or willing to reason about why their positions should be […]

Skull Valley: Nuclear Waste, Tribal Sovereignty, and Environmental Racism

The following article is revised and excerpted from a book co-authored with Robert L. Stivers, Christian Environmental Ethics: A Case Method Approach, Orbis Books, 2003. [1] The energy bill that President Bush signed into law this summer included several features designed to benefit the nuclear power industry. For example, the legislation authorized research, development, and […]

Scarred Epistemologies: What a Theology of the Cross Has to Say about the Gay Marriage Ban

[1] I live and teach religion and ethics in Ohio, one of the eleven states in the 2004 election that passed constitutional amendments effectively precluding any legal and civil recognition or institution of gay marriage. The passage of this state amendment dubbed colloquially as the ‘ban on gay marriage’ generated much local controversy within my […]

Freedom and Vocation: A Lutheran (and Augustinian) Perspective on Art, Scholarship, and Higher Education

This article will appear in the KIATS Theological Journal 2005 I.2 (2005 Fall). It is reprinted here by permission. [1] In the last fifteen or twenty years, American church-related colleges and universities have been engaged in diligent reflection about their identity and mission. A Lutheran institution won’t answer questions of identity and mission in the […]

Woo me, sister; move me, brother! What does Pop Culture Have to Do with Preaching?

The following article has been excepted from Get Up Off Your Knees edited by Raewynne J. Whiteley and Beth Maynard. It has been reprinted here by permission of the publisher, Cowley Publications. For more information about purchasing this book from Cowley Publications, please visit their Web site. Download the article

A Review of Munib Younan’s Witnessing for Peace: In Jerusalem and the World; edited by Fred Strickert

[1] Witnessing for Peace: In Jerusalem and the World, written by Munib Younan and edited by Fred Strickert is available from Fortress Press, Minneapolis and is copyright 2003. xiv + 169 pp., paper, $16.00. For more information, or for purchase information, please visit the Fortress Web site. [2] This book by the bishop of the […]

Antinomians: Then and Now

The following article originally appeared in the Winter 2002 edition of Lutheran Forum and has been reprinted with permission from the author. [1] In appreciation for their diligent efforts, I want to respond briefly to the first dozen or so reviewers of my recent book, Christians in Society; Luther, the Bible, and Social Ethics (Minneapolis: […]