Item Type: Books


Pamela Cooper-White Shared Wisdom: Use of the Self in Pastoral Care and Counseling., Minneapolis: Fortress Press 2003

In this groundbreaking book Pamela Cooper-White offers a new relational paradigm for pastoral assessment and theological reflection. She uses the caregiver’s own responses and feelings as a primary instrument for deepening discernment and better care. She innovatively combines postmodern, psychoanalytic, and theological perspectives with illuminating case studies to illustrate this new use of the self in pastoral care, counseling, and psychotherapy.

Pamela Cooper-White The Cry of Tamar: Violence against Women and the Church’s Response., Minneapolis: Fortress Press 1995

In this comprehensive, practical, and gripping assessment of various forms of violence against women, Pamela Cooper-White challenges the Christian churches to examine their own responses to the cry of Tamar in our time. She describes specific forms of such violence and outlines appropriate pastoral responses.


Lisa E. Dahill 40-Day Journey with Julian of Norwich., Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress 2008

Drawing from her published writings, editor Lisa Dahill here selects forty inspiring passages from Julian’s work that help illustrate God’s love and compassion for all. The book begins with a short introduction to the life of Julian and then offers forty chapters, each of which includes a reading from her writings, related Scripture passages, questions to ponder, journal-reflection exercises, and a prayer.

Lisa E. Dahill Truly Present: Practicing Prayer in the Liturgy., Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress 2005

This short volume is part of the Worship Matters series designed for personal or small-group use. Written primarily though not exclusively for Lutherans, it introduces readers to 14 practices of contemplative prayer whose use helps open more fully the experience and depth of liturgical worship. The volume, which centers in the experience of endless and intimate divine love poured out in Jesus Christ, can thus be read either for deeper understanding of liturgy and worship or for orientation to the practice of contemplative prayer in a variety of forms.


Kelly Denton-Borhaug U.S. War-culture, Sacrifice and Salvation., London : Equinox Publishing 2011

Despite the massive growth of the military industrial complex in the U.S., the sacred canopy of war as ‗a necessary sacrifice‘ obfuscates the pernicious reality of U.S. war-culture. This book theologically explores and ethically interrogates sacrificial frameworks and assumptions that electrify and normalize war-culture in the post-9/11 period of the U.S. It questions whether theological sacrificial frameworks may be rehabilitated, and if it is possible to “detranscendentalize” war.


Norma Cook Everist Church Conflict: From Contention to Collaboration., Nashville: Abingdon 2004

Rarely are books about conflict written by women theologians. This book provides a theological core for seven responses to conflict: avoidance, confrontation, competition, control, accommodation, compromise and collaboration, showing positive as well as negative uses of each. Part One examines images, types and patterns of conflict and helps people look at their personal histories of conflict and potential leadership roles.

Norma Cook Everist Ordinary Ministry, Extraordinary Challenge: Women and the Roles of Ministry., Nashville: Abingdon 2000

Professor Everist invited 25 diverse women engaged in the full range of parish ministry to show how they lead and serve, using the themes of “Trusting God,” “Liberating Christians,” “Living Vocation,” and “Nurturing Community.” The theological questions arise from the contextual realities as the women exercise ministerial leadership in the public world.

Norma Cook Everist, Nelvin Vos Where in the World Are You? Connecting Faith and Daily Life., Bethesda, Md.: The Alban Institute 1996

The Reformation concept of the ―Priesthood of all Believers‖ has yet to be fully realized. These Lutheran scholars, a lay man and a clergy woman, provide a Trinitarian approach to the question of ―What in the world is God doing?‖ Using a variety of styles and methods, they help people reflect on and be empowered for ministry in daily life.

Norma Cook Everist, Craig Nessan Transforming Leadership: New Vision for a Church in Mission., Minneapolis: Fortress 2008

Two Lutheran theologians, male and female, model in their writing and over 15 years of team teaching, a leadership style which builds trust, nurtures community and empowers congregations. The book covers topics from ecclesial foundations, to relational ethics and assets-based ministry. It explores power and partnership, congregational systems, spirituality, stress and the creative use of time, all towards honoring people and growth in wisdom.

Norma Cook Everist Open the Doors and See All the People: Stories of Church Identity and Vocation., Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress 2005

Republished Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock 2016. This compact book of stories from the author‘s visits to congregations across the entire country invites people to reflect upon the nature of the Church and how congregations are called and equipped for God‘s mission. She unfolds Lutheran theology inductively so that readers, having been drawn into compelling adventure, come back home and see people with new eyes.