Gracia Grindal
Sketches Against the Dark., Arizona: Blue Moon Press 1983
A collection of poems on life in the Upper Midwest parsonage.
Gracia Grindal
Good News of Great Joy: Advent Devotions for the Home., Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress 1994
Gracia Grindal
We Are One in Christ: Hymns, Paraphrases, and Translations., Kingston, NY: Selah Publishing 1996
A collection of hymn texts drawn from life, Scripture and other great Lutheran hymn writers.
Gracia Grindal
Lessons in Hymnwriting., Hymn Society of America and Canada 2000
A workbook on how to write hymns texts in English.
Gracia Grindal
Sing the Faith: Hymns of Grace., Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress 2002
Helps on understanding the life and origin of some of our greatest Lutheran hymns.
Gracia Grindal
A Revelry of Harvest., Writer's Showcase 2002
A collection of poems on life in the Midwestern Lutheran world.
Gracia Grindal
A Treasury of Faith: Hymns for the Common Lectionary, Series A., Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold 2006
A series of hymn texts on the weekly lectionary Gospel texts of Series A.
Gracia Grindal
A Treasury of Faith: Hymns for the Revised Common Lectionary, Series B., Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold 2007
A series of hymn texts on the weekly lectionary Gospel texts of Series B.
Gracia Grindal
A Treasury of Faith: Hymns for the Revised Common Lectionary, Series C., Colfax, NC: Wayne Leupold 2009
A series of hymn texts on the weekly lectionary Gospel texts of Series C.
Gracia Grindal
Linka Preus: Diary and Sketches., Minneapolis: Lutheran University Press 2006
A new translation of Linka Preus‘ diary, with her sketches, re-discovered and annotated by Grindal. They show some of the first pictorial images of the founding of the Lutheran churches, especially the woman‘s world, among the Norwegian Americans and some of the Missouri Synod as the two traditions intersected.