Entries for April 24, May 1, 5, 8. A set of four sermon starters for the relevant lectionary texts.
Based on the NRSV and incorporating inclusive language for God, this volume mirrors Lectionary for Worship in format. Principles for revision are conservative and poetic in nature, carefully respecting the meaning and imagery of the original biblical text while attending to the sound of the readings in public proclamation.
Young children, ages 3-7, will be drawn to the many illustrations depicting their experiences of daily life and, at the same time, they’ll learn the basic pattern and meaning of Sunday worship. Educators can explain Christian worship in a new light.
Beginning with the appointed readings for Sunday, each day of the week suggests a biblical reading selected to relate to the Sunday readings. A brief summary phrase for each reading enables the reader to see the connections between all of the week readings and the Sunday readings.
Illuminates forty primary images from the three-year lectionary. With each of the images she considers related terms, exploring a total of nearly two hundred words and phrases in light of biblical history, typological relationships, poetic nuances, metaphoric meanings, and liturgical year connections.
This handbook helps sponsors take a fresh look at how they can support and nurture the newly baptized, whether child or adult.
In this five-session Bible study, the focus is on God as creator of the world and considers nature as a pattern of our lives, expressed in five traditional hymns, and their connection to the faith life of all believers.
Invites the entire worshipping assembly, lay and clergy, to understand and delight in the three-year lectionary. The study guide explains how the Revised Common Lectionary was developed and how the gospels, the first readings and the epistles are assigned. Further chapters describe many ways that the three readings affect the assembly’s worship and the assembly itself.
Recent decades have witnessed the revival of the ancient liturgies of the Three Days — Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil. In this book Ramshaw gives both history and many suggestions about how these services can enrich the worship life of your entire assembly.
Enjoy enriching reflections on ashes, treasure, mountain, outsider, clothing, battle, water, and many more. Each day’s devotion includes a biblical citation, meditation, prayer, Bible reading, and hymn text.