Item Type: Book Chapters


Marcia J. Bunge "Practices for Nurturing the Best Love of and by Children: A Protestant Theological Perspective" In The Best Love of the Child: Being Loved and Being Taught to Love as the First Human Right. ed. Jackson, Timothy P.. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans 2011 : 226-250
Marcia J. Bunge "Christianity" In Children and Childhood in World REligions. eds. Wall, John, and Don Browning. New Brunswick, NY: Rutgers University Press 2009 : 83-149
Marcia J. Bunge "The Vocation of the Child: Theological Perspectives on the Particular and Paradoxical Roles and Responsibilities of Children" In The Vocation of the Child. ed. Brennan. Patrick McKinley. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans 2008 : 31-52
Marcia J. Bunge "The Vocation of Parenting: A Biblically and Theologically Informed Perspective" In Understanding God's Heart for Children: Toward a Biblical Framework. eds. McConnell, Douglas, Jennifer Orona, and Paul Stockley. World Vision 2007 : 53-65
Marcia J. Bunge "Beyond Children as Agents or Victims: Reexamining Children’s Paradoxical Strengths and Vulnerabilities with Resources from Christian Theologies of Childhood and Child Theologies" In The Given Child: The Religions' Contribution to Children's Citizenship. eds. Wyller, Trygve, and Usha S. Nayar. Gottingen: Vandenhoek & Ruprecht 2007 : 27-50
Marcia J. Bunge "The Dignity and Complexity of Children: Constructing Christian Theologies of Childhood" In Nurturing Child and Adolescent Spirituality. eds. Yust, Karen Marie, Aostre N. Johnson, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, and Eugene Roehlkepartain. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield 2006 : 53-68
Marcia J. Bunge "Theological and Biblical Perspectives on Children: Rediscovering the Value of Children and Renewing Our Commitment to Them" In The Complete Guide to Godly Play. vol. 5, Denver, CO: Living the Good News
Marcia J. Bunge "Historical Perspectives on Children in the Church: Resources for Spiritual Formation and a Theology of Childhood Today" In Children's Spirituality: Christian Perspectives, Research, and Applications. ed. Ratcliff, Daniel. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books 2004 : 42-53
Marcia J. Bunge "Childhood" In Encyclopedia of Protestantism. New York: Routledge 2003
Marcia J. Bunge "J.G. Herder’s View of Religion" In Religionsgeschichte und Gnosisforschung. eds. Preissler, Holger, and Hubert Seiwert. Marburg: Diagonal 1995

(A similar version of this article is in THEION: Jahrbuch fur Religionskultur/Annual For Religious Culture)