Science, Biological, Medical (genetics, illness/mental illness, death)

The Intersection of Racism, Public Health Services, and Maternal Health in the United States

[1] Maternal health, a vital component of public health, encompasses the physical, mental, and social well-being of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Effective maternal health services, which include access to prenatal care, nutritional support, mental health resources, and postpartum care, are essential for reducing maternal mortality and fostering healthy outcomes for mothers […]

Lead Free Superhero! An Interview with Deanna Branch

[1] As part of our issue on “The Ethics of Raising Healthy Children,” I interviewed activist Deanna Branch.  Branch has been gaining national attention for her work.  She appeared at the State of the Union Address in January of 2024 and at the Democratic National Convention in August of 2024.   I started with the question, […]

Book Review: Aidan: The Lead-Free Superhero by Deanna Branch and Aidan Branch

[1] Aidan: The Lead-Free Superhero is a children’s book that tells the story of Aidan’s illness, and the inspiration for the family’s advocacy efforts. The book tells the story of Aidan Branch, a real-life superhero who was diagnosed with lead poisoning, and found a purpose after getting well. Unlike Rev. Darrick Wade Sr.’s book Mr. […]

Book Review: A Story About Cancer With a Happy Ending by India Desjardin and Marianne Ferrer

[1] As a mother of a son who survived childhood leukemia and is now thriving as an adult, I found A Story About Cancer With a Happy Ending both deeply resonant and profoundly uplifting. India Desjardin’s poignant narrative, brought to life through Marianne Ferrer’s heartfelt illustrations, captures the essence of the cancer journey with remarkable […]

JLE Resources for Raising Healthy Children

[1] Raising healthy children is not only a familial concern. This concern also has communal and societal implications and reflects the kind of values we hold true. It is not an exaggeration to emphasize that local communities, and society at large, also assume a significant role in raising healthy children.  We cannot say we value […]

For Congregational Discussion: Ethical Considerations on Artificial Intelligence

There are few topics as interesting and exciting as the ethics of Artificial Intelligence. And there are few topics as difficult for the lay person to understand. The following is a brief discussion guide to help congregations think through the issues presented in this edition of JLE. [1] What is your philosophy of technology? Have […]

Looking into the AI Mirror: Optimism, Pessimism, or Something Else?

Introduction [1] “As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man.” (Proverbs 27:19) Water reflects faces and hearts reflect character. There is nothing new about these mirrors and what they reveal. Yet, there is a new mirror that offers us a haunting reflection of ourselves: we must now grapple with […]

Book Review: Is Artificial Intelligence Racist?  The Ethics of AI and the Future of Humanity by Arshin Adib-Moghaddam

1] Though a self-proclaimed friend of Artificial Intelligence (pp.31,119), Cambridge University Professor of Global Thought Arshin Adib-Moghaddam is concerned about racism and sexism creeping into the algorithms governing emerging AI technology (pp.3-4,48-49).  This is an issue that is getting some attention among experts (notably in another new book by Calvin Lawrence, Hidden in White Sight, […]

Editor’s Introduction: Ethical Considerations on Artificial Intelligence.

[1] This issue of JLE showcases three excellent articles about Artificial Intelligence.  These articles explain how generative Artificial Intelligence works, some of the current ethical challenges, and some frameworks for building a set of guidelines for our use of this new technology. [2] The first essay, written by William Rodriguez, begins with a calming introduction […]

Ethical Considerations and Artificial Intelligence

The AI Revolution [1] The ELCA Social Statement on Genetics establishes that [scientific and technological] developments “illustrate the abundant gifts of God’s creation” but cautions that “these developments also exemplify how contemporary human knowledge and technology are causing a different relationship between human power and life.”[i] Our church also teaches that “the Gospel does not […]