
Posts by heatherdean

Editor’s response to the February 2021 Issue

[1] The February 2021 Issue of JLE was intended to create a place for diverse opinions and deeper deliberations about racism, justice, and equity in the ELCA at a time when the nation is reeling with both systemic racism and racist violence. The issue more than missed this mark.  It created a painful distraction for […]

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I’m Tired of the Okey-Doke: Ethics in a Cosmopolitan Era

  This ‘think piece’ is dedicated to the Rev. Dr. Cheryl Stewart Pero, PhD, child of God, friend, colleague, theologian, and advocate for justice in the church and world.[1] “Our hope for creative living in this world house that we have inherited lies in our ability to re-establish the moral ends of our lives in […]

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The Gendered Impact of Covid: (Or “How to Covid, Like a Girl”)

[1] We’ve all seen them.  Those oh-so-charming news segments in which the expert is holding forth on international relations and in barges a rogue child.  In the viral video of the BBC interview with Professor Robert Kelly first one then a second child bursts in followed by a frantic woman ushering them back behind the […]

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The National Narrative of a Virus

[1] We did it.   We crossed the quarter million mark in numbers of deaths due to Covid 19 in the United States.  And just before Thanksgiving.  Estimates now include being at over four hundred thousand by Inauguration Day.  Someplace in the middle for when Lutheran Social Ethicists gather?[1] [2] With over a hundred and eighty […]

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Review: Healing All Creation: Genesis, The Gospel of Mark, and the Story of the Universe by Joan Connell and Adam Bartholomew

[1] This book breaks no new ground and has little to offer cognoscenti.  But this is an observation, not a criticism.  The authors, a biblical scholar and a religious journalist, aim for a general audience made up of millennials and others who are comfortable with evolution and distance from Christian faith because of its perceived […]

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Review: The Work of Faith: Divine Grace and Human Agency in Martin Luther’s Preaching by Justin Nickel

[1] Followers of Luther began debating relationships between faith, ethics, and justification during Luther’s lifetime.  Heirs of Luther’s theological vision have never ceased to debate them.  Some Lutherans believe that ethical prescriptions beyond freely “serving one’s neighbor” out of a response to the Gospel, constitute works righteousness, leaving believers anxiously wondering if they have done […]

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