
The Sacrificing of Children: A Meditation/Sermon on Judges 11

[1] Several years ago-1999, to be exact-Hollywood came out with a movie called The General’s Daughter. Starring John Travolta and Madeleine Stowe, and set on a major military base in Georgia, it told of an investigation into the suspicious death of a woman officer at the base, who also happens to be the daughter of […]

Rape, A Meditation on 2 Samuel 13

[1] It began with a phone call. It was Karen, a friend whom I’d known since my childhood.[1] Although we didn’t see or talk to one another as much now as when we were kids, we were still close. But, on the phone this day she sounded different: she was tentative, unsure of herself, fumbling […]

Book Notes: Recent Works on the Promise and Peril of Genetic Engineering (3 of 4)

With this April issue of the Journal of Lutheran Ethics, we bring the third installment in our series of notes on books addressing genetic engineering. For interested readers, the previous two columns appeared in the September and December, 2003 issues. Works reviewed in this month’s column: Gordon Graham, Genes Editors of Scientific American, Understanding Nanotechnology […]

Vulnerability and the Role of the Churches

We all learned, that terrible morning, that we could die while reaching for a piece of toast at breakfast. Pete Hamill God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. Paul in 1 Corinthians 1:27 [1] We are still searching for a language to interpret the complexity of reactions and challenges following […]

The Passion According to Mel

[1] The latest film by Australian film-maker and actor Mel Gibson, The Passion of the Christ, has kept people busy both at the box office and at the computer. Biblical scholars scramble to assess the scriptural authenticity of the dialogue. Theologians of all stripes sift scenes for implicit theories of atonement. Jewish leaders register appropriate […]

Some remarks on the stem-cell debate from a Lutheran theologian in Germany

[1] 1. Biotechnology develops in cultural contexts, and not in isolation in the laboratory. At first glance, the driving forces behind biotechnology are the hard sciences: biological and medical research, new technologies and the interest in making a profit in an expanding sector of the economy: health care. But these developments have consequences that go […]

Lutheran Contributions to Bioethics: Threads from a Conversation

[1] The 2004 Gathering of Lutheran Ethicists on January 7-8 in Chicago focused on the topic “Lutheran Contributions to Bioethics.” Discussion papers from that gathering are posted elsewhere in this issue of JLE. This report aims to pull together threads from the conversation at the gathering around this topic so that not only the papers […]

Commercial Science and World Hunger: Issues of Social Justice Concerning Genetically Modified Organisms

[1] The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s social statement on economic life, “Sufficient, Sustainable Livelihood for All,” cites Martin Luther’s assertion that Christians violate God’s commandment, “you shall not kill,” when people lack the ability to meet their basic needs of life.[1] Since nearly one-sixth of the world’s population lacks access to the food necessary […]

A Review of Reconciliation: Restoring Justice by John W. De Gruchy

[1] John W. De Gruchy’s book Reconciliation: Restoring Justice is an appealing exploration of the process of truth and reconciliation in South Africa. In the history of truth commissions throughout the world, South Africa was the first to combine notions of truth and reconciliation. This combination, I believe, was due to the commission’s Chairman, the […]

Review of John W. De Gruchy’s Reconciliation: Restoring Justice

[1] Is there a place for Christian insights about reconciliation beyond the realm of the personal and private? Even more, is it possible that these same insights can help pave the way to a more deeply reconciled national identity in South Africa? John W. De Gruchy has charted a difficult and courageous path indeed in […]