
Review of George Hunsinger’s Disruptive Grace: Studies in the Theology of Karl Barth

Grand Rapids: Eerdmanns, 2000. Pp. 375. $39.00 (cloth) [1] Hunsinger is a great teacher because he is the best of students. He does honor and justice to the theology of Karl Barth through lucid studies in political, doctrinal, and ecumenical theology. His writing is the output of a rapt and apt pupil; it beautifully re-presents […]

Sexual Intimacy, Spiritual Belonging, and Christian Theology

[1] Sexual intimacy can serve as a resource for spiritual transformation and renewal in our lives. Through it, we can experience a restored sense of healing, joy, personal power to affect and be affected, passionate relationship, creative potency, and wondrous pleasure. When sexual relating functions this way in our lives, making love can be one […]

Journey Together Faithfully at First Lutheran Church, Duluth, Minnesota

[1] Journey Together Faithfully: The Church and Homosexuality is the study series offered by the Task Force for ELCA Studies on Sexuality. The primary text provided is a study guide with instructions for six study sessions, plus appendices of pertinent ELCA documents, a list of resources, and frequently asked questions. The study is intended as […]

From Ashes to Alleluias

[1]The two texts for the meditation this evening have each held significance for me for years. First, Micah 6:8: “He has shown you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” Second, II Corinthians 5:19: […]

Considering the Gospel in a Culture of Fear

[1] “Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he […]

Review of Herman’s Durable Goods

This article, originally published and (c) March 1999 in Theological Studies (p198) is available from Journal of Lutheran Ethics for download in PDF. To download the article, use the following link: [ Download PDF ]

Commendable Realism

Review of Durable Goods: A Covenantal Ethic for Management and Employees by Stewart W. Herman. Soundings: A Series of Books on Ethics, Economics and Business. University of Notre Dame Press, 1997. Pbk., 256 pp. ISBN 0-268-00885-X. $20.00. [1] I have long thought that Stewart Herman’s Durable Goods: A Covenantal Ethic for Management and Employees is […]

Reviews of Durable Goods

This review, originally published in and © Markets and Morality (Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 278-280), is available from Journal of Lutheran Ethics through a link to the Markets and Morality website. To read the article in HTML format, please use the following link: [ View article ] (McCann) This article, originally published and © […]

Toward a “Protesting” Labor Ethic

A review of A New Protestant Labor Ethic at Work by Ken Estey Cleveland, Ohio: The Pilgrim Press ix and 150 pages Paper. $14.00. Reviewed by Wayne C. Stumme [1] Recently the two Lutheran synods and seminary in my community joined with others to sponsor an impressive conference entitled “The State of Faith: Ethics at […]

What Sort of Claims Does the Bible Have Today?

[1] Last summer my home church was shaken out of its life-as-normal routine when one of its church council members was arrested for sexually abusing both his daughter and his niece. The following weeks were particularly fraught for the pastor, as he tried to minister to both the abuser and the victims. His difficulties were […]