Item Type: Books

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Elizabeth Huwiler Biblical Women: Mirrors, Models, and Metaphors., New York: United Church Press 1993

Introduction both to ways women are presented in biblical texts and to methods for interpreting biblical texts. Appropriate for congregational groups or as supplementary reading in college settings.


Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen They Who Give From Evil; the Response of the Eastern Church to Money-lending in the Early Christian Era., Wipf and Stock, K.C. Hansen Eugene: Wipf & Stock 1997

In addition to a historiography of usury scholarship, explanation of the economic and historical contexts of early Christian writings on usury and biblical and philosophical attitudes regarding usury and lending, this monograph considers the financial and salvific implications of usury in select sermons of fourth century Greek authors Basil the Great and his younger brother Gregory of Nyssa.


Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen Philippians., ed. Scott Tunseth. 2010: (Augsburg Fortress

This is an adult, devotional study on Paul‘s Letter to the Philippians that reflects on four paradoxes that reside within the text (Joyful Sorrow, Individual Community, Masterful Slave, Downward Ascent). Each chapter opens with a contemporary story that connects the reader with the theme of the chapter, and each chapter connects with the one it follows. Using insights from current theological and social-scientific methods to explore Paul‘s letters, as well as issues as contemporary as economic concerns, Hurricane Katrina and the 2008 Presidential race, the authors guide the reader from Paul‘s historical situation to their present reality.

Brenda Llewellyn Ihssen Philippians Learner Guide, Philippians Leader Guide: Books of Faith Bible Study Series., Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress 2010

This 4-session Bible study uses four paradoxes as lenses to look at Paul’s letter.

Diane L Jacobson, Robert Kysar A Beginner’s Guide to the Books of the Bible., Minneapolis: Augsburg Books 1991

Provides accurate, concise, and easy-to-understand introductions to each of the 39 books of the Old Testament and 27 books of the New Testament. Each description discusses the book’s purpose, approximate date of composition, authorship, contents, and distinctive features. Also included are introductions to larger sections of the Bible, such as the major and minor prophets.

Diane L Jacobson, Stanley N. Olson, Mark Allen Powell Opening the Book of Faith: Lutheran Insights for Bible Study., Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress 2008

Provides an introduction to the Bible and Lutheran perspectives that guide understanding of Scripture. This book explores four methods of Bible study, then applies each method to four Scripture texts. Two assessment tools also aid reflection and discussion about Bible usage, needs, and hopes.


Kathryn Kleinhans Book of Faith Lenten Journey: Seven Wonders of the World., Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress 2010

Each day the journey begins with a biblical verse, followed by a brief reflection on that verse. Following the daily reflection you will journey, explore and find meaning through meditation, questions to ponder, prayer.


Kari Kloos Christ, Creation, and the Vision of God: Augustine’s Transformation of Early Christian Theophany Interpretation., Bible in Ancient Christianity 7 Leiden: Brill 2011

Explores the theological underpinnings of ancient Christian theophany interpretation regarding polemic and the formation of Christian identity, the relationship between vision and spiritual transformation, and theological claims about knowing God through creation. Argues that Augustine‘s challenge to traditional claims that Christ appeared in the Old Testament theophanies demonstrates the critical and creative capacity of early Christian authors to adapt and transform exegetical traditions.

Nancy Koester The History of Christianity in the United States: A Fortress Introduction., Minneapolis: Fortress Press 2034

This thorough and lively overview of Christian history in the United States, from colonial times to the present, is informed by both classical and recent scholarship and is written for the non-specialist. Unlike many histories, Koester offers ample coverage of Protestant, Evangelical, and Roman Catholic developments. Includes black & white illustrations, maps, glossary, and other study aids.

Transformative Lutheran Theologies: Feminist, Womanist, and Mujerista Perspectives., In Transformative Lutheran Theologies: Feminist, Womanist, and Mujerista Perspectives. ed. Mary J. Streufert. Minneapolis: Fortress Press 2010

The first of its kind, this volume is a collaborative presentation of feminist, womanist, mujerista, and queer Lutheran theologies. It is both systematic and constructive, for it addresses classical loci in theology and is relevant for preaching, teaching, and ethical considerations, both personal and institutional. The contributors from diverse experiences and contexts seek ongoing reformation of the church and the world.