Item Type: Book Chapters


Marcia J. Bunge "The Vocation of Children and Parents: Sacred Vision and Spiritual Practices" In Children’s Voices. Children’s Perspectives in Ethics, Theology and Religious Education. eds. Annemie Dillen and Didier Pollefeyt. Leuven: BETL, Peeters Publishing 2010 : 329-356
Marcia J. Bunge "Biblical Views of Nature: Foundations for an Environmental Ethic" In Care of the Earth. ed. Tina B. Krause. Chicago: The Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago 1994
Marcia J. Bunge "Materials for “Care of Creation”" In Our Children at Risk: Hope for Our Future Together—an educational resource for the ELCA. Minneapolis: Augsburg-Fortress Press 1991


Marcia J. Bunge "Religion and the Curriculum at Church-Related Colleges" In Professing in the Postmodern Academy: Faculty and the Future of Church-Related Colleges. ed. Stephen R. Haynes. Waco: Baylor University Press 2002 : 247-266
Marcia J. Bunge "Introduction to Valparaiso University in the Context of Lutheran Higher Education" In The Lutheran Reader. eds. Paul Contino and David Morgan. Valparaiso University 1999 : 1-9


Marcia J. Bunge "Childhood, Children" In The New Westminster Dictionary of Christian Theology. eds. Dawn DeVries and Brian Gerrish. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press 1983
Marcia J. Bunge "Jewish and Christian Views of Childhood" In Oxford Bibliographies Online: Childhood Studies. ed. Heather Montgomery. New York: Oxford University Press
Marcia J. Bunge "Childlikeness, Spirituality" In The Dictionary of Christian Spirituality. ed. Glen Scorgie. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan 2011 : 350-351
Marcia J. Bunge "Children, the Image of God, and Christology: Theological Anthropology in Solidarity with Children" In Who Is Jesus Christ for Us Today?. eds. Schuele, Andreas, and Gunter Thomas. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press 2008 : 167-184
Marcia J. Bunge "Conceptions of Children and Our Obligations to Them: Multifaceted Perspectives from Judaism and Christianity" In Negotiating Childhoods: (papers from the 2010 First Global Conference: Childhood). eds. Hopkins, Lucy, Mark Macleod, and Wendy C. Turgeon. London: Oxford Inter-disciplinary Press 2011 : 53-63