Item Type: Books

Books filtered by category: Theology

J. G. Herder Against Pure Reason: Writings on History, Language, and Religion., ed. Bunge, Marcia. trans. Bunge, Marcia Fortress Press 1993

A selection of writings by the 19th century German theologian J. G. Herder, edited and translated by Bunge.


Bunge, Marcia J., ed. The Child in Christian Thought., Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans 2001

Collection of essays by seventeen scholars who explore the views of selected Christian theologians on children and childhood. Essays critically examine the works of influential theologians ranging from the early church to the present, such as Augustine, Chrysostom, Aquinas, Luther, and contemporary feminist theologians. Bibliography includes primary and secondary texts. Spanish translation of selected chapters of The Child in Christian Thought: Los niños: en el pensamiento evangélico. (Buenos Aires, Argentina: Ediciones Kairos, 2008).

Bunge, Marcia J., Terence E. Fretheim, and Beverly Roberts Gaventa, eds. The Child in the Bible., Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans 2008

A collection of essays by leading biblical scholars on child-related themes in particular books of the Bible. Contributors take a variety of approaches, including historical, literary, and theological and disclose a range of perspectives on children and child-adult relationships and responsibilities.

Bunge, Marcia J., ed., ed. Children, Adults, and Shared Responsibilities: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Perspectives., Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press 2012
Bunge, Marcia J. and Don S. Browning, eds. Children and Childhood in World Religions: Primary Sources and Texts., New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press 2009

A collection of primary texts regarding children and childhood from six major religions of the world, including Judaism and Christianity. Each of the six chapters, edited by specialists, focuses on one religious tradition and includes an introduction and a selection of primary texts ranging from the ancient to the contemporary.

Grace Brame Faith, the Yes of the Heart., Minneapolis: Augsburg Books 1999

Drawing on the Bible and the Christian tradition—including writers like Martin Luther, Henri Nouwen, Dorothee Soelle, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Evelyn Underhill—Brame presents a clear and inspiring study of the Christian life. She explores such vital issues as the relationship between believe and faith, how we live what we believe, finding God in our suffering, and how God lives through us.

Karen L. Bloomquist The Dream Betrayed: Religious Challenge of the Working-Class., Fortress 1990 (a re-write of my Ph.D. dissertation, ― "Toward the Redemption of American White Working Class Reality: a Liberation Theology")

A revisioning of theology and reinterpretation of sin and redemption in relation to class realities in American society, drawing on insights of political, liberation, feminist and Lutheran theology.

Bloomquist, Karen L., ed. The Doctrine of Justification: Its Reception and Meaning Today., Lutheran University Press 2003
Sharon Betcher Spirit and the Politics of Disablement., Minneapolis: Fortress Press 2007

Betcher analyzes our world and God’s embodied presence in the light of her own disability and the insight it affords. When released from the ― “ideology of normalcy,” disablement, she claims, has revealed powerful alternative understandings of the body and body politic, in Scripture, in the actions of Jesus, in the healing work of the Spirit at work in the world.