Item Type: Book Chapters


Kirsi Stjerna "Teaching Spirituality with Medieval Mystics and Luther" In Spirituality: Towards a 21st Century Lutheran Understanding. eds. Stjerna, Kirsi, and Brooks Schramm. Minneapolis: Lutheran University Press 2004 : 163-172

A case study: what is “spiritual” – implicitly or explicitly – about teaching these subjects.

Kirsi Stjerna "Katie Luther: A Mirror to the Promises and Failures of the Reformation" In Caritas et Reformatio: Essays on Church and Society In Honor of Carter Lindberg. ed. David Whitford. St. Louis: Concordia Press 2002 : 27-39

An article interpreting the life and contribution of Katharina Luther.

Kirsi Stjerna "Medieval Women‘s Stories: Stories for Women Today" In Women Christian Mystics Speak to Our Times,. ed. David Perrin. London : Sheed & Ward 2001 : 37-52

Study of Birgitta of Sweden and Julian of Norwich.

Kirsi Stjerna "La teologia dell’amore in S. Brigida [St. Bridget’s Theology of Love]" In Santa Brigida profeta dei tempi nuovi [Saint Bridget,Prophetess of New Ages]. ed. Tekla Famiglietti. Roma: Casa Generalizia Suore Santa Brigida 1993 : 555-563
Kirsi Stjerna "Onko jumalaa isän jumalankin takana. Naistutkimuksen kysymyksiä jumalakuvasta [Is There God Beyond God the Father: Feminist Scholarship’s Questions on Images of God]" In Jumalakuvakirja [Book on Images of God]. eds. Risto Uro and R. Saarinen. Tampere: Suomen Kirkon Tutkimuskeskus 1989 : 93-113

Article introducing feminist critique of traditional God-language.


Kirsi Stjerna "First Sunday in Lent" In Abingdon Worship Manual 2004. eds. Mary Schifres and B.J. Beu. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press 2004
Kirsi Stjerna "Reformation Sunday" In Abingdon Worship Manual 2004. eds. Mary Schifres and B.J. Beu. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press 2004
Kirsi Stjerna "The Fruits of the Spirit" In Preaching 1 Corinthians 13. eds. Susan Hedahl and Richard Carlson. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press 2002


Deanna Thompson "Letting the World Run Free: Luther, Romans, and the Call to Reform" In Reformation Readings of ROmans. T&T Clark 2008

This article examines how Luther‘s early theology mines the resources of Romans to advocate for a theology of freedom and how that message reaches the masses more through preaching than his theological treatises.

Deanna Thompson "Martin Luther" In Empire and the Christian Tradition. Minneapolis: Fortress Press 2007

This chapter is a biography of Martin Luther as seen through the lens of the politics of empire. I suggest that Luther‘s reimagining of religious freedom leads to a theology of resistance with respect to ecclesial and imperial authorities of the day, a theological perspective that unfortunately Luther himself does not always follow.