Category: Theology

Theology filtered by type: Book Reviews/Endorsements

Kirsi Stjerna , Review of "Review of Mein Hertz schmildt wie Eis am Feuer. Die religiöse Frauenbewegung Des Mittelalters in Porträts, by Johannes Thiele" In Teologinen Aikakauskirja [Theological Journal]. 1989
Kirsi Stjerna , Review of "Review of P. Birgitta and Birgitta ja Jumalan Äiti [St. Birgitta; Birgitta and God’s Mother].Birgittalaissisarten Ystävät, by Aron Andersson" In Teologinen Aikakauskirja [Theological Journal]. 1990
Kirsi Stjerna , Review of "Review of Transforming Grace: Christian Tradition and Women’s Experience, by Anne Carr" In Teologinen Aikakauskirja [Theological Journal]. 1991
Kirsi Stjerna , Review of "Review of The Recovery of Love: Christian Mysticism and Addictive Society, by J.D. Imbach" In Lutheran Quarterly. 1994
Kirsi Stjerna , Review of "Review of Amsträgerinnen im fruhen Christentum. Epigraphische und Literalische Studien, by Ute E. Ennen" In Lutheran Quarterly. 1997
, Review of "Review of Martin Luther as Prophet, Teacher, and Hero, by Robert Kolb" In Seminary Ridge Review. 2002
Kirsi Stjerna , Review of "Review of Crossing the Divide: Luther, Feminism, and the Cross, by Deanna Thompson" In Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology. 2005
Kirsi Stjerna , Review of "Review of The Cambridge Companion to Reformation Theology, by David Bagchi and David Steinmetz" In Scottish Journal of Theology. 2005
Kirsi Stjerna , Review of "Review of Recultivating the Vineyard: The Reformation Agendas of Christianization, by Scott Hendrix" In Interpretations. vol. 60, no. 2, April 2006 : 218-220
Caryn D. Riswold , Review of "Review of An A to Z of Feminist Theology, edited by Lisa Iserwood and Dorothea McEwan" In Currents in Theology and Mission. vol. 24, no. 5, October 1997