Category: Theology


Marcia J. Bunge "Text and Reader in Herder’s Interpretations of the New Testament" In Johann Gottfried Herder: Language, History, and the Enlightenment. ed. Koepke, Wolf. Columbia: Camden House 1990 : 138-150
Marcia J. Bunge "Johann Gottfried Herder’s Auslegung des Neuen Testaments" In Historiche Kritik und biblishcer Kanon in der deutschen Aufkrälung. eds. Reventlow, Henning Graf, Walter Sparn, and John Woodbridge. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1988 : 41 (Wolfenbütteler Forschungen)
Lisa Dahill "There’s Some Contradiction Here: Gender and the Relation of Above and Below in Bonhoeffer" In Interpreting Bonhoeffer: Essays on Method and Approaches. eds. Green, Clifford J., and Guy C. Carter. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press

Explores Bonhoeffer’s views on gender — a shadow side of his thinking — both as his theology shifts under Hitler and in glimpses of potential breakthroughs in the conspiracy/prison period. Its use of literary genre analysis provides a lens for retrieving a more life-giving Bonhoefferian view of gender.

Lisa Dahill "Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945), Life Together" In Christian Spirituality: The Classics. ed. Holder, Arthur. London and New York: Routledge 2010 : 329-40

Traces the context, content, and key insights of Life Together for 21st century readers, noting connections to neo-monasticism, to discussions of “real vs. virtual” community, and to the ecological context of our contemporary life together.

Lisa Dahill "Con-Formation with Christ: Bonhoeffer, Social Location, and Embodiment" In Being Human, Becoming Human: Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Social Thought. eds. Zimmerman, Jens, and Brian Gregor. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Books/Wipf & Stock 2010 : 188-202

Explores Bonhoeffer’s theology of human embodiment, developing five primary insights on the Christian significance of the body and refracting the discussion through the experience glimpsed in the 2009 film “Precious.”

Lisa Dahill "The Genre of Gender: Gender and the Academic Study of Christian Spirituality" In Exploring Christian Spirituality: Essays in Honor of Sandra M. Schneiders, IHM. eds. Lescher, Bruce H., and Elizabeth Liebert, SNJM. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press 2006 : 98-118

Both gender and spirituality are incredibly complex realities, difficult to define yet reaching to the core of human and Christian life. This essay articulates multiple layers and aspects of the meaning of gender within the overarching framework of the Christian experience of God. A concluding section sketches implications of such exploration for the study of spirituality.

Lisa Dahill "Reading from the Underside of Selfhood: Bonhoeffer and Spiritual Formation" In Minding the Spirit: The Study of Christian Spirituality. eds. Dreyer, Elizabeth A., and Mark S. Burrows. Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press 2005 : 249-266

An abstract of the central themes of the book above with the same title, originally published in xSpiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality (Fall 2001).

Gracia Grindal "Lina Sandell and Berthe Kanutte Aarflot and Bride Mysticism" In The Pietist Impulse of Christianity. eds. Carlson, G. William, Christopher Gertz, and Christian T. Collins Winn. Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications 2011 : 187-198 (Eric Holst, series editor)
Arnfrídur Gudmundsdottir "More Pain, More Gain! On Mel Gibson’s Film, ‘The Passion of the Christ’" In Recent Releases: The Bible in Contemporary Cinema. eds. Hallbäck, Geert, and Annika Hvitamar. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press 2008

Gibson‘s movie, The Passion of the Christ, among other important issues, triggered questions of authenticity, interpretation and the use of sources. My aim in this article is twofold: first of all, to examine Gibson‘s use of sources, of biblical as well as extra-biblical origin; secondly, to provide a theological reading of Gibson‘s interpretation of the passion story.

Laurie Jungling "Creation as God’s Call into Erotic Embodied Relationality" In Eros: Bodies, Desires, and Sexuality in Christianity. ed. Kamitsuka, Margaret. Minneapolis: Fortress Press 2010

In many recent progressive theo-ethical discussions of the erotic, freedom has become the preeminent theme in articulations of sexual relationships. In this essay I submit that when considering the creator God in relation to the erotic, something is missing if only freedom is emphasized. The God of love, who creates all things, not only loves freely but faithfully as well.