Category: Ecclesiology and Ecclesial Life

Ecclesiology and Ecclesial Life filtered by type: Journal Articles

Gracia Grindal "The End is Everything" Spring In Dialog: A Journal of Theology. 1997 : 91-99
Gracia Grindal "The First Issues and Editorials of Modern Lutheran Church Magazines as Indicators of Competing Ecclesiatical Cultures" Winter In Lutheran Quarterly. vol. 13, 1999 : 478-482
Cynthia Moe-Lobeda "Pastoral Reflections: Preaching Helps" In Currents in Theology and Mission. vol. 17, April 1990 : 162-174
Kelly Denton-Borhaug "Pastoral Reflections: Preaching Helps" In Currents in Theology and Mission. vol. 23, April 1996 : 151-161
Marcia J. Bunge "Biblical and Theological Perspectives on Children, Parents, and ‘Best Practices” for Faith Formation: Resources for Child, Youth, and Family Ministry Today" Winter In Dialog: A Journal of Theology. vol. 47, 2008 : 348-360

Sections of this article were also republished in Lutheran Partners 25.4 (July/August, 2009):16-21.