Bibliography Author: Melina Quivik


Melina Quivik Serving the Word: Preaching in Worship., Minneapolis: Fortress Press 2009

This book invites the reader to see how God’s word can become the crux not only of the sermon but of the worship service as a whole. The preached word, then, and the liturgical event within which preaching is located become integral to each other. This book invites the reader to explore how-through God’s word-preaching informs and is, in turn, supported by the worship event as a whole.


Melina Quivik The Christian Funeral., Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress 2005

In recent years, pressure has come upon North American society to jettison the Christian funeral and opt instead for the services of a funeral business. Quivik helps the reader explore the deeper meaning of the Christian funeral so that the resources of private businesses in the burial event can be put to their proper use.