Shauna K. Hannan
"Commentary on Psalm 50:1-6 (Transfiguration of Our Lord)" In
Working Preacher. 2009
Shauna K. Hannan
"Encountering the Risen Lord: Reading the Easter Gospels" Spring In
Word & World. vol. 24, no. 2, 2004 : 198-203
The article explores the appointed Gospel texts for the season of Easter season (Revised Common Lectionary). These texts provide an opportunity to talk about the surreal and confusing elements of an encounter with the risen Lord.
Shauna K. Hannan
"Using Commentaries Faithfully and Effectively" In
Working Preacher. April 5 2009
http://www.workingpreacher.org/sermondevelopment.aspx?article_id=210 An assessment of how and why work with commentaries can be appropriated effectively and faithfully for the sake of preaching. The first point addresses attitude toward commentaries. The second concerns timing. And the third pertains to types of commentaries.
Shauna K. Hannan
"Writing Sermons for the Ear (Parts 1, 2, 3)" In
Working Preacher. June 9 2009
http://www.workingpreacher.org/sermondevelopment.aspx?article_id=210 Although preaching is an oral/aural event, preachers often prepare sermons as they would write term papers. This three-part article offers are a few steps preachers can take in order to craft a sermon that is geared more toward the hearer’s ear.
Caryn D. Riswold
"Here I Stand, Without the Goddess" In
Feministing.. February 2011
Caryn D. Riswold
"Certainty, Heaven, and Kittens" In
Feministing,. February 3 2011