Caryn D. Riswold
"A Religious Response Veiled in a Presidential Address" In
Political Theology. vol. 5, no. 1, 2004
Caryn D. Riswold
"A Theological Response to ‘The Case for a Preemptive Strike’" In
Political Theology. vol. 5, no. 2, March 2004
Caryn D. Riswold
"Two Reformers: Martin Luther and Mary Daly as Political Theologians?" In
Political Theology. vol. 7, no. 4, October 2006
Caryn D. Riswold
"The Future of the Presidency: What America Needs in 2008" In
Political Theology. vol. 8, no. 4, October 2007
Caryn D. Riswold
"Imago Dei and Coram Mundo: Theological Anthropology for Human Life Today, or The World is the Woman" In
Journal of Lutheran Ethics. vol. 8, no. 1, January 2008
Caryn D. Riswold
"Is This Going to be on the Test? Religion in the ‘08 Election" In
Political Theology. vol. 9, no. 4, October 2008
Editorial. Also printed in the Illinois College Alumni Quarterly (January 2009)
Caryn D. Riswold
"Coram Mundo: A Lutheran Feminist Anthropology of Hope" Summer In
Dialog: A Journal of Theology. vol. 48, no. 2, 2009 : 132-139
Caryn D. Riswold
"Annoying the Student with Her Rights: Human Life Coram Hominibus, Reflections on Vocation, Hope, and Politics" Spring In
Intersections. 2010 : 36-41
Caryn D. Riswold
"Coram Meipso: Presence, Privilege, and Vocations in Lutheran and Feminist Languages" Fall In
Dialog: A Journal of Theology. vol. 49, no. 3, 2010 : 202-209
Cynthia Moe-Lobeda
"God “Flowing and Pouring into…All Things”" In
Seattle Theology and Ministry Review. vol. 3, 2003 : 77-82