Item Type: Journal Articles

Journal Articles filtered by category: Worship and Preaching

Gracia Grindal "The Rhetoric of Martin Luther’s Hymns: Hymnody Then and Now" In Word & World. vol. 26, no. 2, 2006 : 178-187
Gracia Grindal "Heaven and Hell in Hymns" In Word & World. vol. 30, no. 3, 2010
Lisa Dahill "Blessings for Times and Seasons: Marcia Falk‘s Feminist Berakhot" 21/4 In Liturgy. August 2006 : 3-10

Marcia Falk is a Jewish poet, scholar, and translator with a deep love for liturgical texts – particularly the berakhot or blessings at the heart of Jewish prayer – and a passion for their continuing life in Jewish contexts far removed from the ancient communities that originated these forms. This article provides an introduction to Falk‘s work and to broader questions of feminist recasting of traditional liturgical forms.

Marcia J. Bunge "Two Devotions for Advent" In The Better Part. Lutheran Women‘s Caucus 1986