Item Type: Journal Articles


Kirsi Stjerna "Ilmestysten äärellä [By the Revelations.]" In Reseptio (Kirkon ulkomaanasiain keskuksen teologisten asiain tiedotuslehti). vol. 2, 1995

An article reflecting on the theology of Birgitta of Sweden. (in Finnish)

Kirsi Stjerna "Koulutusmahdollisuuksia USA:ssa [Study Prospects in the USA.]" In Reseptio (Kirkon ulkomaanasiain keskuksen teologisten asiain tiedotuslehti). vol. 3, 1993

An article discussing the opportunities with studying theology in USA. (in Finnish)

Kirsi Stjerna "Tarvitseeko kirkko feministiteologiaa [Does the Church Need Feminist Theology]" In Kotimaa. vol. 6, 1992

A column making the case for the urgent contribution of feminist theology in the church. (in Finnish)

Kirsi Stjerna "Birgitan merkitys [Birgitta’s Significance]" In Birgitan Ystävät Jäsenlehti. vol. 3, 1991

An article re-evaluating the significance of Birgitta of Sweden as a 14th century female mystic, a church leader and a visionary theologian. (in Finnish)

Kirsi Stjerna "Isä kirkon valossa. Teologiaa ja feminismiä [In the Shadow of the Father Church: On Theology and Feminism]" In Naistutkimus [Journal of Women's Studies]. vol. 1, 1991

An article discussing the importance of feminist perspectives in theological work. (in Finnish)


Kirsi Stjerna "Dancing to Grace. It’s a Way to Reconnect Body and Soul" In The Lutheran. vol. 7, 1998

Article on the use of dance in Lutheran worship.


Deanna Thompson "Luther, Feminism, Friendship and the Future" Fall In Dialog: A Journal of Theology. 2010

This article recounts my journey of becoming a Lutheran feminist theologian. Drawing on insights from both Lutheran and feminist traditions, I propose a shift in Christian vocation imagery from that of servant to friend, arguing that the call to friendship includes subverting global structures of domination. I end with an invitation to join the expanding conversation about how Lutheran and feminist frameworks address the needs of our contemporary world.

Deanna Thompson "The Trouble with Miracles; Word Wrangling; Embraced by the Virtual Body of Christ" Summer-Fall In Working Preacher. 2010

These articles represent attempts to think theologically about living with stage IV cancer.

Deanna Thompson "Hoping for More" Fall In Faith and Leadership (Duke University website). 2010

This article addresses the challenge of hoping for more—both in this life and the next—while facing a stage IV cancer diagnosis.


P. Rosenblatt, B. R. Wallace "Narratives of grieving African Americans about racism in the lives of deceased family members" 3 In Death Studies 29. 2005 : 217-235

This article explores how racism is incorporated into narratives about a deceased family member. This qualitative research study reports on interviews of 26 African American about the life experience of deceased family members. Almost all the individuals interviewed talked about the ways the decease taught them to deal with racism. Findings suggest that a view of African American grief that is insensitive to racism in the African American experience may lead to unhelpful grief support or counseling.