Item Type: Journal Articles

Journal Articles filtered by category: Ecclesiology and Ecclesial Life

"Toward a Scripture-Based Theology of Death in Our Hymnody" CrossAccent (journal name) In Toward a Scripture-Based Theology of Death in Our Hymnody. vol. 15, no. 1, Valparaiso: Association of Lutheran Church Musicians 2007 (Develops writings by Augustine, Luther, Walter Bouman, others)

Develops a theology of thinking about death through hymnody, to enable a full life in Christ in life and at death. Evaluates entries in Lutheran hymnals in shaping and nurturing a Christian’s thoughts about death, and in sharing, proclaiming, and strengthening one’s faith. Illustrates with hymns that do an appropriate or lesser job in addressing issues of a Christian’s death.

Hollie M Holt-Woehl "Education and Inclusive Congregations: A Study of Three Congregations" In Journal of Religion, Disability, and Health. vol. 14, no. 2, 2010 : 143-152

Holt-Woehl describes the education practices of three congregations for children with developmental disabilities. All three are currently inclusive of people with developmental disabilities, both children and adults, in the education programs and life of their congregations. The author also contemplates, amid the complexity of congregational culture, how including people with developmental disabilities in religious education contributed to the creation of an inclusive congregation.

Sarah Hinlicky-Wilson "Talking to Generation X" In First Things. February 1999

A narrative theology approach to communicating the gospel to young adults.

Sarah Hinlicky-Wilson "Seminary Sanity" In First Things. August/September 2000

A humorous look at the psychological evaluation process leading to candidacy for the ordained ministry.

Sarah Hinlicky-Wilson "The End of Magic" In First Things. February 2002

An analysis of several classic works of fantasy fiction and how they require magic itself to end.

Sarah Hinlicky-Wilson "The Great Reunion Beyond" In Christianity Today. February 5 2001

A reflection on the death of the author‘s grandfather.

Sarah Hinlicky-Wilson "The End of Magic" In First Things. February 2002

An analysis of several classic works of fantasy fiction and how they require magic itself to end.

Sarah Hinlicky-Wilson "Decorated With Death" In Christianity Today. January 21 2003

A reflection on the meaning of the cross as jewelry.

Sarah Hinlicky-Wilson "The Heresy Itch" In Christianity Today. January 7 2004

A reflection on why some people are drawn to esoteric and gnostic versions of Christianity.

Sarah Hinlicky-Wilson "An Ecumenical Luther: Review: Luther" In Books & Culture. January/February 2004

A review of the Joseph Fiennes’ film about Luther‘s early life.