Category: Worship and Preaching

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Barbara Lundblad "Feminist Preaching" In New Interpreter’s Bible Handbook of Preaching. ed. Paul Scott Wilson. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press 2007

This is a revised resource with short entries by several authors defining topics related to homiletics.

Barbara Lundblad "Down by the Riverside" In Women’s Voices and Visions of the Church: Reflections from North America. eds. Letty Russell and Shannon Clarkson. Geneva: World Council of Churches 2005

The author’s sermon, “Down by the Riverside,” is the Prologue to these reflections. The sermon was preached during the North American consultation of the WCC. This sermon is based on the Acts 16 story of Lydia‘s encounter with Paul.

Barbara Lundblad "Birthing the Sermon: Women Preachers on Creative Process" In Birthing the Sermon: Women Preachers on Creative Process. ed. Jana Childers. St. Louis, MO: Chalice Press 2001

Each woman in this book writes about her process in developing a sermon. My chapter focuses on the sermon as a meeting place between the scripture text and the community text. In addition to the essay there is a sermon entitled “After Emmaus.”

Barbara Lundblad "Do You See This Woman?" In Lutheran Women in Ordained Ministry, 1970-1995. ed. Gloria E. Bengtson. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress 1995

Jesus asks this question to Simon at the dinner party interrupted by an unnamed woman (Luke 7). The question also refers to my experience preaching in a congregation years ago. A woman who had never heard another woman preach told me she has prepared herself by saying, “Just close your eyes and maybe you can forget it‘s a woman is preaching.”

"March and Holy Week" In Bread for the Day: Daily Bible Readings and Prayers Year B 2021. ed. Dennis Bushkofsky, Laurie Hanson. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress

Devotional book for which I wrote prayers for March, including Holy Week.

Cynthia Moe-Lobeda "Liturgy Reshaping Society" In Ordo: Bath, Word, Prayer, Table: A Liturgical Primer in Honor of Gordon Lathrop. Akron, OH: OSL Publications 2006 : 164-187
Kirsi Stjerna "First Sunday in Lent" In Abingdon Worship Manual 2004. eds. Mary Schifres and B.J. Beu. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press 2004
Kirsi Stjerna "Reformation Sunday" In Abingdon Worship Manual 2004. eds. Mary Schifres and B.J. Beu. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press 2004
Kirsi Stjerna "The Fruits of the Spirit" In Preaching 1 Corinthians 13. eds. Susan Hedahl and Richard Carlson. Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press 2002


Gracia Grindal , Review of "Review of In the Context of Unity: A History of the Development of the Lutheran Book of Worship, by Ralph Quere" In Lutheran Quarterly 18. 2004