Category: Theology

Theology filtered by type: Book Chapters

Cynthia Moe-Lobeda "Communio and a Spirituality of Resistance" In Communion, Responsibility, Accountability: Responding as a Lutheran Communion to Neoliberal Globalization. ed. Bloomquist, Karen L.. Geneva: Lutheran World Federation 2004 : 145-156



Cynthia Moe-Lobeda "Offering Resistance to Globalization: Insights from Luther" In Globalization and the Good: Ethical Perspectives on the Global Economy. ed. Heslam, Peter. London: SPCK 2001 : 95-104
Cynthia Moe-Lobeda "A Theology of the Cross for the Un-Creators" In Cross-Examination: Interrogating the Cross for its Meaning Today. ed. Trelsadt, Marit. Minneapolis: Fortress Press 2006 : 181-195
Cynthia Moe-Lobeda "The Holy Spirit: Power for Confessing Faith in the Midst of Empire" In Being Church in the Midst of Empire: Trinitarian Reflections. ed. Bloomquist, Karen. Minneapolis: Lutheran University Press 2007 : 125-148
Cynthia Moe-Lobeda "Cross, Resurrection, and Climate Change" In God, Creation, and Climate Change. eds. Bloomquist, Karen, and Rolita Manchila. Minneapolis: Lutheran University Press 2009
Cynthia Moe-Lobeda "Being Church in and against White Privilege" In Transforming Lutheran Theologies: Feminist, Womanist, and Mujerista Perspectives. ed. Streufert, Mary. Minneapolis: Fortress Press 2010
Cynthia Moe-Lobeda "Love as a Political-ecological Vocation in the Context of Economic Globalization" In Globalization II: Global Crisis, Global Change, and Global Faith. eds. Boesak, Allan, and Len Hansen. Stellenbosch, South Africa: Sun Press 2010
Carol LaHurd "Islam" In The Christian Theological Tradition. eds. Cory, Catherine A and David T. Landry. St. Paul: University of St. Thomas/Prentice-Hall 2000 : 165-179

The chapter presents an introduction to the history of Islam, the religion’s basic beliefs and practices, and Islam’s encounter with Christianity and modernity.

Laurie Jungling "Creation as God’s Call into Erotic Embodied Relationality" In Eros: Bodies, Desires, and Sexuality in Christianity. ed. Kamitsuka, Margaret. Minneapolis: Fortress Press 2010

In many recent progressive theo-ethical discussions of the erotic, freedom has become the preeminent theme in articulations of sexual relationships. In this essay I submit that when considering the creator God in relation to the erotic, something is missing if only freedom is emphasized. The God of love, who creates all things, not only loves freely but faithfully as well.

Carol LaHurd "Walking by Faith: Witness and Dialogue in the Multi-faith Americas" In Multifaith Challenges: Facing the Americas ... and Beyond. ed. Mwakambana, Hance A. O.. Geneva: Lutheran World Federation 2002 : 51-64

Acknowledging the growing religious pluralism in the Americas, LaHurd discusses the worth of interfaith dialogue, strategies for conducting such dialogue effectively, and ways the Bible can serve witness and dialogue with religious others.