Category: Teaching and Pedagogy


Christian Education as Evangelism duplicate entry., Minneapolis: Fortress 2005

A collaborative writing project of the professors of Christian Education at the then ten Lutheran Seminaries of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, this book shows how education and evangelism, often pitted against one another, must go together. To carry out goals of evangelical outreach, education is essential, and education which is alive needs to spring forth in a vital sharing of the Good News.

Norma Cook Everist The Church as Learning Community: A Comprehensive Guide to Christian Education., Nashville: Abingdon 2002

Based on the ecclesiological foundation of the gift of being teachers and learners together, this book address providing a trustworthy learning environment, methods, faith development, lifelong learning, confirmation ministry, teacher training, and the public vocation of educational ministry. It has an underlying Lutheran viewpoint for ecumenical use in parish, college and seminary.

Norma Cook Everist The Difficult But Indispensable Church., Minneapolis: Fortress 2002

The authors, the faculty of Wartburg Theological Seminary, demonstrated the unity of the church in its diversity. A peer among them, Professor Everist encouraged authors in content and process to deepen their differences, not hide them, thus modeling how the church can be the body of Christ in the midst of its greatest challenges. As difficult as it is, we need one another.