Category: Pastoral Care/Theology


"March and Holy Week" In Bread for the Day: Daily Bible Readings and Prayers Year B 2021. ed. Dennis Bushkofsky, Laurie Hanson. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress

Devotional book for which I wrote prayers for March, including Holy Week.

B. R. Wallace "A Womanist Legacy of Grief and Trauma: Reframing the Notion of the Strong Black Woman Icon" In Women Out of Order: Risking Change and Creating Order in a Multicultural World. eds. Jeanne Stevenson-Moessner and Teresa Snorton. Minneapolis: Fortress Press 2009


Karen L. Bloomquist Grace, Care and Justice: A Handbook for HIV and AIDS work., LWF 2007
Pamela Cooper-White Many Voices: Psychotherapy in Relational and Theological Perspective., Minneapolis: Fortress Press 2006

This is a full scale disciplinary framework for pastoral psychotherapists/pastoral counselors at intermediate and advanced levels of clinical training and also for experienced pastoral counselors and psychotherapists in professional practice. It harvests the great potential of postmodern sensibilities to help, accompany, and support individuals, couples, and families in recognizing and healing especially painful psychic wounds, and/or longstanding patterns of self-defeating relationships to self and others.

Pamela Cooper-White Shared Wisdom: Use of the Self in Pastoral Care and Counseling., Minneapolis: Fortress Press 2003

In this groundbreaking book Pamela Cooper-White offers a new relational paradigm for pastoral assessment and theological reflection. She uses the caregiver’s own responses and feelings as a primary instrument for deepening discernment and better care. She innovatively combines postmodern, psychoanalytic, and theological perspectives with illuminating case studies to illustrate this new use of the self in pastoral care, counseling, and psychotherapy.

Pamela Cooper-White The Cry of Tamar: Violence against Women and the Church’s Response., Minneapolis: Fortress Press 1995

In this comprehensive, practical, and gripping assessment of various forms of violence against women, Pamela Cooper-White challenges the Christian churches to examine their own responses to the cry of Tamar in our time. She describes specific forms of such violence and outlines appropriate pastoral responses.

Hollie M Holt-Woehl Congregations as Trinitarian Communities: Accepting, Welcoming, and Supporting People with Chronic Mental Illness., Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller 2009

Holt-Woehl seeks to discover common characteristics of congregations that are accepting, welcoming, and supporting of people with mental illness. The work includes a literature review on congregations and mental illness as well as a study of six congregations. The author discovered a common view, in each congregation, that every person is a child of God and gifted by God whether or not they have mental illness.

Elaine Ramshaw Ritual and Pastoral Care., Minneapolis: Fortress Press 1987

Drawing on a range of practical concerns and issues in worship life and pastoral care, Elaine Ramshaw shows how ritual can communicate care, and be shaped by care for the individual, society, and the world.

P. Rosenblatt, B. R. Wallace African-American Grief., New York: Brunner Routledge Press 2005

This book explains how racism, economic disadvantage, and the operation of distinctive African American beliefs, practices, and institutions impact the grief process. The narratives of this qualitative research project of African American individuals who have experienced the loss of a loved one suggest that traditional understandings of the bereavement are insufficient to explain African Americans‘ unique experience of loss.


"Toward a Scripture-Based Theology of Death in Our Hymnody" CrossAccent (journal name) In Toward a Scripture-Based Theology of Death in Our Hymnody. vol. 15, no. 1, Valparaiso: Association of Lutheran Church Musicians 2007 (Develops writings by Augustine, Luther, Walter Bouman, others)

Develops a theology of thinking about death through hymnody, to enable a full life in Christ in life and at death. Evaluates entries in Lutheran hymnals in shaping and nurturing a Christian’s thoughts about death, and in sharing, proclaiming, and strengthening one’s faith. Illustrates with hymns that do an appropriate or lesser job in addressing issues of a Christian’s death.