Category: Ethics


Kelly Denton-Borhaug "Knowing What Cosmos You‘re In" In Journal of Lutheran Ethics. August 2006
Sarah Hinlicky-Wilson "Essay for Symposium on Humanae Vitae" In First Things. December 1998

An argument against the Catholic position on contraception.

Sarah Hinlicky-Wilson "Don‘t Write About Race" In First Things. December 1999

A reflection on the ongoing estrangement between the races.

Sarah Hinlicky-Wilson "Sex, the Law, and Faith" Summer In Lutheran Forum. vol. 36, no. 2, 2002

A commendation of the classic biblical and traditional Christian ethic regarding sexuality.

Sarah Hinlicky-Wilson "Blessed Are the Barren" 51 In Christianity Today. vol. 12, December 2007 : 22-28

An exegetical and personal exploration of infertility and adoption.

Sarah Hinlicky-Wilson "Subversive Virginity" In First Things. October 1998

An argument that chastity is more empowering to women than promiscuity.

Laurie Jungling "Conscience-Bound or Conscience-Liberated: What is best for the ELCA?" 5 In Journal of Lutheran Ethics. vol. 7, July 2005

What is the bound-conscience and what does it have to do with deciding whether or not the ELCA should accept for ordination gay and lesbian persons in long-term, monogamous, faithful relationships? In this article, I ask whether or not we might do better to speak of a “liberated conscience” as opposed to a “bound” one in relationship to this question.

Laurie Jungling "A New Vision of Marriage as Vocation for the Lutheran Tradition" 7 In Journal of Lutheran Ethics. vol. 2, February 2007

I argue for a helpful criterion in defining marriage that honors this foundational social relation yet does not exclude persons from it according to their “form.” God‘s call should not be determined according to a static social order that is often defined according to human understandings of physical form. Instead, God’s call to serve our neighbor is the Lutheran criterion that should structure the many relationships in which humans live, including marriage.

Laurie Jungling "A Brief Case Study on Compromise" 9 In Journal of Lutheran Ethics. vol. 7, July 2009

The recommendations on ministry policy made by the Task Force for the ELCA Studies on Sexuality and coming before the 2009 Churchwide Assembly have provoked disparate responses from differing constituencies within the ELCA. In this article I propose to describe, through a case study, the ways in which the actual recommendations of the task force represent a compromise between two opposing sides.

Carol LaHurd "Bowling Alone but Working and Worshiping Together" Winter In Dialog: A Journal of Theology. vol. 47, no. 4, 2008 : 385-395

The article summarizes the strengths and weaknesses of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America on the occasion of the church’s 20th anniversary, highlights the increasing diversity in the denomination, and emphasizes the importance of the strong ecumenical work that continues to take place, both nationally and internationally. Commitments to social justice, global connectedness and economic stewardship are also discussed.