Marcia J. Bunge
"The Church‘s Key Role in East German Changes" In
The Metro Lutheran. March 1990
Marcia J. Bunge
"Modelle feministischer Bibelauslegung" 1991 : 285-297
Marcia J. Bunge
"Christian Faith and Environmental Ethics: Martin Luther‘s The Freedom of a Christian and Aldo Leopold‘s Sand County Almanac" Spring In
AGORA. 1994
Marcia J. Bunge
"Biblical and Theological Perspectives on Children, Parents, and ‘Best Practices” for Faith Formation: Resources for Child, Youth, and Family Ministry Today" Winter In
Dialog: A Journal of Theology. vol. 47, 2008 : 348-360
Sections of this article were also republished in Lutheran Partners 25.4 (July/August, 2009):16-21.
Marcia J. Bunge
"Früchte des Mutes: Beobachtungen am Leipziger Ring" In
Evangelische Kommentare. January 1990
Marcia J. Bunge
"Feminism in Different Voices: Resources for the Church" In
Word & World. Fall 1988
Marcia J. Bunge
"Theologies of Childhood and Child Theologies: International Initiatives to Deepen Reflection on Children and Childhood in the Academy and Religious Communities" In
Dharma Deepika: A South Asian Journal of Missiological Research. vol. 28, July-December 2008 : 33-53
Marcia J. Bunge
"A More Vibrant Theology of Children" 8 In
Christian Reflection: A Series in Faith and Ethics. 2003
Versions of this article also appear in the following: ―Retrieving a Biblically Informed View of Children: Implications for Religious Education, a Theology of Childhood, and Social Justice,‖ Lutheran Education (Winter 2003):72-87; Journal of Lutheran Ethics (online journal, 2004); and ―Rediscovering the Dignity and Complexity of Children: Resources from the Christian Tradition,‖ in Sewanee Theological Review 48 (Christmas, 2004):51-64.
Marcia J. Bunge
"Nurturing the Moral and Spiritual Lives of Children: Resources From the Christian Tradition" In
The Cresset. 2001