Marcia J. Bunge
"Childhood" In
Encyclopedia of Protestantism. New York: Routledge 2003
Marcia J. Bunge
"J.G. Herder’s View of Religion" In
Religionsgeschichte und Gnosisforschung. eds. Preissler, Holger, and Hubert Seiwert. Marburg: Diagonal 1995
(A similar version of this article is in THEION: Jahrbuch fur Religionskultur/Annual For Religious Culture)
Marcia J. Bunge
"Herder’s View of the Gospels and the Quest of the Historical Jesus" In
Johann Gottfried Herder: Geschichte und Kultur. ed. Bollacher, Martin. Wurzburg: Verlag Konigshausen and Neumann GmbH 1994
Marcia J. Bunge
"Herder and the Origins of a Historical View of Religion: An Informative Perspective for Historical Theology Today" In
Revisioning the Past: Prospects in Historical Theology. eds. Engel, Mary Potter, and Walter E. Wyman, Jr.. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press 1992 : 171-190
Marcia J. Bunge
"Human Language of the Divine: Herder on Ways of Speaking about God" In
Herder Today: Contributions from the International Herder Conference at Stanford, California. ed. Muller-Voller, Kurt. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyer 1990 : 304-318
Marcia J. Bunge
"Text and Reader in Herder’s Interpretations of the New Testament" In
Johann Gottfried Herder: Language, History, and the Enlightenment. ed. Koepke, Wolf. Columbia: Camden House 1990 : 138-150
Marcia J. Bunge
"Johann Gottfried Herder’s Auslegung des Neuen Testaments" In
Historiche Kritik und biblishcer Kanon in der deutschen Aufkrälung. eds. Reventlow, Henning Graf, Walter Sparn, and John Woodbridge. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 1988 : 41 (Wolfenbütteler Forschungen)
Marcia J. Bunge
"Ethical and Theological Arguments for Peace: An Examination of the Roman Catholic and Methodist Statements of Peace" In
Peace and Justice: Toward an Ecumenical Peace Ethic. ed. Götz Planer-Friedrich. Geneva: LWF Studies 1990
Parallel issue in German: Frieden und Gerechtigkeit: Auf dem Weg zu einer ökumenischen Friedensethik, (München: Kaiser, 1989).
Marcia J. Bunge
"Childlikeness, Spirituality" In
The Dictionary of Christian Spirituality. ed. Glen Scorgie. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan 2011 : 350-351
Marcia J. Bunge
"The Vocation of Children and Parents: Sacred Vision and Spiritual Practices" In
Children’s Voices. Children’s Perspectives in Ethics, Theology and Religious Education. eds. Annemie Dillen and Didier Pollefeyt. Leuven: BETL, Peeters Publishing 2010 : 329-356