Bibliography Author: Lisa E. Dahill


Lisa E. Dahill 40-Day Journey with Julian of Norwich., Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress 2008

Drawing from her published writings, editor Lisa Dahill here selects forty inspiring passages from Julian’s work that help illustrate God’s love and compassion for all. The book begins with a short introduction to the life of Julian and then offers forty chapters, each of which includes a reading from her writings, related Scripture passages, questions to ponder, journal-reflection exercises, and a prayer.


Lisa E. Dahill Truly Present: Practicing Prayer in the Liturgy., Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress 2005

This short volume is part of the Worship Matters series designed for personal or small-group use. Written primarily though not exclusively for Lutherans, it introduces readers to 14 practices of contemplative prayer whose use helps open more fully the experience and depth of liturgical worship. The volume, which centers in the experience of endless and intimate divine love poured out in Jesus Christ, can thus be read either for deeper understanding of liturgy and worship or for orientation to the practice of contemplative prayer in a variety of forms.