Bibliography Author: Kirsi Stjerna


Kirsi Stjerna "Birgitta of Sweden and the Divine Mysteries of Motherhood" In Medieval Feminist Newsletter. vol. 20, 1997 : 33-37

An article on Birgitt’s theology of Mary and theological reflection on the redemptive function of motherhood.


Kirsi Stjerna "Eevan luomisen mysteeri Augustinuksen silmin [The Mystery of Eve’s Creation in the Eyes of Augustine]" In Teologinen Aikakauskirja [Theological Journal]. vol. 6, 1995 : 524-530

An article on the creation and purpose and nature of Eve in the thought of Augustine of Hippo. (in Finnish)


Kirsi Stjerna "Ilmestysten äärellä [By the Revelations.]" In Reseptio (Kirkon ulkomaanasiain keskuksen teologisten asiain tiedotuslehti). vol. 2, 1995

An article reflecting on the theology of Birgitta of Sweden. (in Finnish)


Kirsi Stjerna "Koulutusmahdollisuuksia USA:ssa [Study Prospects in the USA.]" In Reseptio (Kirkon ulkomaanasiain keskuksen teologisten asiain tiedotuslehti). vol. 3, 1993

An article discussing the opportunities with studying theology in USA. (in Finnish)


Kirsi Stjerna "Tarvitseeko kirkko feministiteologiaa [Does the Church Need Feminist Theology]" In Kotimaa. vol. 6, 1992

A column making the case for the urgent contribution of feminist theology in the church. (in Finnish)


Kirsi Stjerna "Birgitan merkitys [Birgitta’s Significance]" In Birgitan Ystävät Jäsenlehti. vol. 3, 1991

An article re-evaluating the significance of Birgitta of Sweden as a 14th century female mystic, a church leader and a visionary theologian. (in Finnish)


Kirsi Stjerna "Isä kirkon valossa. Teologiaa ja feminismiä [In the Shadow of the Father Church: On Theology and Feminism]" In Naistutkimus [Journal of Women's Studies]. vol. 1, 1991

An article discussing the importance of feminist perspectives in theological work. (in Finnish)