Kirsi Stjerna
Spirituality: Towards a 21st Century Lutheran Understanding., eds. Kirsi Stjerna and Brooks Schramm. Minneapolis: Fortress Press 2004
A faculty book exploring different ways spirituality is thought and modeled in seminary education – editing, and two articles.
Kirsi Stjerna
No Greater Jewel: Thinking about Baptism with Luther., Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress 2009
In No Greater Jewel Luther’s teaching of baptism is unfolded in light of specific issues arising around Lutheran practices and understanding of baptism today. Includes questions for discussion.
Kirsi Stjerna
"Dancing to Grace. It’s a Way to Reconnect Body and Soul" In
The Lutheran. vol. 7, 1998
Article on the use of dance in Lutheran worship.
Kirsi Stjerna
"Evaluation of Jari Jolkkonen‘s Ph.D. dissertation, “Uskon ja Rakkauden Sakramentt” [The Sacrament of Faith and Love], for the University of Helsinki" Fall In
Teologinen Aikakauskirja. 2005
Kirsi Stjerna
"Theological Themes" October 2005
Four “Theological Themes” Entries
Kirsi Stjerna
"Grief, Glory and Grace: Insights on Eve and Tamar in Luther‘s Genesis Commentary" Spring In
Seminary Ridge Review. vol. 6, no. 2, 2004 : 19-35
Article based on a public lecture, on Luther’s radical read on the matriarchs and their theological role.
Kirsi Stjerna
"Re-thinking Lutheran Spirituality" In
The Sewanee Theological Journal. December 2002 : 29-47
Reflections on the roots and possibilities of spirituality “with” Luther.
Kirsi Stjerna
"Spiritual Models of Medieval Mystics Today: Rethinking the Legacy of St. Birgitta of Sweden" In
Studies in Spirituality. vol. 12, 2002 : 126-140
Kirsi Stjerna
"The Unbearable Lightness of Teaching Luther and the Confessions" Spring In
Seminary Ridge Review. 2002 : 15-27
An article on the challenges and promises of teaching Luther and the Lutheran confessional texts in a seminary setting.
Kirsi Stjerna
"Finnish Sleep-Preachers: An Example of Women‘s Spiritual Power" 5 In
Nova Religio: The Journal of Alternative And Emergent Religions. vol. 1, 2001 : 102-120
An article analyzing the phenomenon of sleep-preaching and introducing Helena Konttinen.