Bibliography Author: Arnfrídur Gudmundsdottir

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Arnfrídur Gudmundsdottir "More Pain, More Gain! On Mel Gibson’s Film, ‘The Passion of the Christ’" In Recent Releases: The Bible in Contemporary Cinema. eds. Hallbäck, Geert, and Annika Hvitamar. Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press 2008

Gibson‘s movie, The Passion of the Christ, among other important issues, triggered questions of authenticity, interpretation and the use of sources. My aim in this article is twofold: first of all, to examine Gibson‘s use of sources, of biblical as well as extra-biblical origin; secondly, to provide a theological reading of Gibson‘s interpretation of the passion story.

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Arnfrídur Gudmundsdottir Meeting God on the Cross: Christ, the Cross, and the Feminist Critique., New York: Oxford University Press 2010

This book aims to construct a feminist theology of the cross, giving hope to those who are searching for courage and strength, amidst suffering and pain. While the symbol of the cross cannot be recovered by women without a recognition of its abuse, I maintain that often the difference is not recognized between abuse of the cross and an essentially abusive theology of the cross.

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Arnfrídur Gudmundsdottir "Abusive or Abused? Theology of the Cross from a Feminist Critical Perspective" 15 In Scandinavian Critique of Anglo-American Feminist Theology. Journal of the European Society of Women in Theological Research. eds. Hanna Stenström, Elina Vuola, Sabine Bieberstein, and Ursula Rapp. 2007

This article highlights the key issues in the ongoing debate about the meaning of the cross of Jesus Christ within feminist theological literature in the United States. MA: Peeters – Leuven – Dudley