Donna Rodriguez Witzenberger is a health advocate and insurance professional in Florida. She is passionate about health and wellness, mental health awareness, and children’s issues.
Elizabeth Rocha is an early childhood educator and advocate. A member of All Souls Lutheran Church in Port Orange, Florida, she has dedicated her life to teaching and promoting sound pedagogical perspectives that contribute to her vocation and advocacy.
Carmen Retzlaff is a pastor at St. Timothy’s Lutheran Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and also works on staff at the Southwestern Texas Synod of the ELCA. She is a proponent of outdoor worship and a member of the Wild Church Network.
Rev. Elizabeth Rawlings, is a queer, white ELCA pastor who received an MA in Church in Society from The Lutheran Theology of Chicago, which she then transferred to Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary to obtain a Master of Divinity. She has been doing racial justice work for over 20 years, serves as a member of the […]
Jacqueline Robinson-Hunsicker has been a member of Lake Park Park Lutheran for 7 years. In her professional role, Jacqueline is a faculty member at Milwaukee Area Technical College and a member of Derute Consulting Cooperative. She lives in Bayside, WI with her husband Mike, three children, Massara, Amie Grace, and Noah, and dog, Marley.
Andrew Ronnevik is a PhD student in theology and ethics at Baylor University and a rostered ELCA pastor.
Rev. Amy Reumann serves as Director for Advocacy for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
Carolyn Roby is retired Senior Vice President of a large corporate philanthropic foundation and continues her work as an artist and community leader.
Jeremy Rehwaldt is a professor of religion at Midland University in Fremont, Nebraska. He is grateful for a grant from the Louisville Institute that supported his research with rural congregations in Nebraska and Iowa.
Denise Rector is a PhD Student at Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago studying Womanist theology, decolonialist theory, and U.S. Lutheran history. She works for the Justice for Women program in the ELCA Office of the Presiding Bishop.