Michael A. Johnson studied religious ethics at the University of Chicago Divinity school. Since 2007, he has been an adjunct faculty member in the Religion Department at Concordia College, Moorhead, MN, where he teaches courses in religion, theology, Christian ethics, and environmental ethics.
Review: Coming Home to Earth (Cascade Books, 2016)
May/June 2018: Spotlighting Inter-religious Dialogue & Action (Volume 18 Issue 3)
Coming Home to Earth by Mark Brocker || In Coming Home to Earth, Mark Brocker, current President of the International Bonhoeffer Society (English Language Section), offers a profound reflection on a theology of the religious affections and seeks to reorient how we see and love the Earth community. Brocker argues persuasively that our time of deep ecological crisis requires not only a reorientation, but also a “paradigm shift” in Christian theological reflection with a radical revisioning of the theology of salvation (79). Written in a clear, engaging, compelling, pastoral, and, at times, deeply personal and passionate style, the book is clearly intended for a wide audience and can be recommended for use in congregations and college classes. Yet even experts in Lutheran ethics will appreciate Brocker’s theological contributions.