Author: Kevin Massey

Rev. Kevin Massey is a Board Certified Chaplain (BCC) and Director of Lutheran Disaster Response.

Primum non nocere: Ethical Principles of Mission Trips after Disaster

[1] The Rev. Mark Wm. Radecke, an ELCA pastor at Susquehanna University has penned an excellent article in a recent issue of Christian Century entitled “Misguided Missions.”1 In discussing short-term mission trips, Pastor Radecke explains that “I’ve found that [mission trips] can have a profound effect on the faith and life of participants, and good […]

In the midst of things we cannot understand…

[1] Her eyes were red and puffy and dried out from all the tears she had shed. Her head was swimming from all the information and terminology she had heard these last few days. She asked the nurse in the clinic, “Do you have somebody who can come and help me understand what I’m supposed […]