Book Review: Aidan: The Lead-Free Superhero by Deanna Branch and Aidan Branch

[1] Aidan: The Lead-Free Superhero is a children’s book that tells the story of Aidan’s illness, and the inspiration for the family’s advocacy efforts. The book tells the story of Aidan Branch, a real-life superhero who was diagnosed with lead poisoning, and found a purpose after getting well. Unlike Rev. Darrick Wade Sr.’s book Mr. Lead Is Not Your Friend (a similar story about a boy suffering from lead poisoning) Aidan’s story has a happy ending. The book’s author, Deanna Branch, is Aidan’s mother and a children’s health advocate. At the conclusion, the book provides useful information about the sources and prevention of lead poisoning.

[2] The book tells the story of Aidan, a young boy who is attacked by a hideous “lead monster” that makes him extremely ill. The lead monster threatened his life by attacking him where he lived, “through the lead paint in the windowsills, the water pipes, and the soil around the house.” With the help of a powerful prayer blanket turned super cape, Aidan eventually recovers and becomes a powerful superhero that wages a war against the lead monster. He is a defender of children from the dangers of lead poisoning, but this war is never-ending.

[3] Aidan’s story, illustrated by a promising artist (the real-life Aidan), presents a simple yet effective way of building awareness and cautioning other children about the dangers of lead poisoning. It must also be noted that the story should be praised for its positive message of hope, faith, and resilience. Aidan is an inspiration to us all!

[4] From a pedagogical perspective, the story’s value is twofold. Firstly, the book provides invaluable insights about the dangers of lead poisoning and broadens our perspective of those in danger. The book extends our narrow perspectives of exposure and environment. For example, when most people think of lead poisoning they assume it’s an inner-city problem, associated with poverty and urban decay. In one respect, due to our deteriorated infrastructure, this may be true. But, the threat affects all communities, including the more affluent. Think for a minute of a community playground, with monkey bars and see-saws leeching lead from the paint into the soil. The children play in the soil and touch their faces and mouths with their hands. Or think about the cheap, unregulated toys our children play with. Lead exposure clearly represents a broader challenge and concern.

[5] For parents this book provides a second valuable insight. Written from the perspective of a child, the book is not only a valuable pedagogical tool about the sources of exposure, but it also broadens the parameters of responsible parenting. Deanna Branch skillfully addresses the dangers of lead poisoning and includes valuable insights such as prevention, nutrition, and hygiene.

[6] As a story of faith, the Branch family demonstrate the power of positive thinking (represented by the prayer blanket which Aidan uses as a superhero cape), and the tenacity of the human spirit that is able to transform a tragedy into a triumph (by taking on the task of education and advocacy). Aidan demonstrates the power, resilience, and inner strength that children possess, as well as their innate desire to help and protect other children. Herein lies the strength of this wonderful story!

[7] This book does a brilliant job of building awareness, highlighting the struggles of sick children, and presenting the social challenges of eliminating this health hazard. It is after all a wonderful example of using a tragedy as a source for empowerment and a force for positive change.



Elizabeth Rocha

Elizabeth Rocha is an early childhood educator and advocate. A member of All Souls Lutheran Church in Port Orange, Florida, she has dedicated her life to teaching and promoting sound pedagogical perspectives that contribute to her vocation and advocacy.