David R Smedley is associate director for compliance and training in the Office of Student Financial Assistance at The George Washington University. A member of St Luke Lutheran Church in Devon, Pennsylvania (ELCA), he actively communes in the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of New York. He is a graduate of Temple University, with a […]
Rev. Donald A. Stiger serves as Senior Vice President for Mission and Spiritual Care at Lutheran HealthCare, Brooklyn, NY. He is an ordained Pastor in the ELCA.
Rev. Sarah Scherschligt is a pastor at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Gaithersburg, Maryland. A former Peace Corps volunteer in Malawi, Sarah also worked for the Center for Global Education in both Minneapolis and Namibia where she taught International Development. She is a contributor to Cafe, the online magazine for young women of the […]
Kathryn Getek Soltis is the Catherine of Siena Fellow in Ethics at Villanova University.