Marie Failinger is a Professor of Law at Mitchell Hamline School of Law, St. Paul, MN. She is a lifelong Lutheran, and earned her B.A. and J.D. at Valparaiso University and her LL.M. at Yale Law School. She was the long-time editor of the Journal of Law and Religion, and has co-edited Lutheran Theology and […]

Jeffrey Fitzkappes is a candidate for a Ph.D. in Theology at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago.

Robert D. Francis is the Director of Advocacy and Policy for Lutheran Services in America.

Carol Fredrich is CEO of Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry in Cleveland, Ohio. This response was written in collaboration with her staff partners. LMM’s Community Re-Entry program has advocated and served with people involved in the criminal justice system for over 35 years.

Timothy J. Furry is a doctoral candidate in theology and adjunct instructor in the Philosophy and Religious Studies departments at the University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio.

David E. Fredrickson is Professor of New Testament at Luther Theological Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota.

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