Issue: April 2016: Meet the Staff

Volume 16 Number 4

Editor’s Introduction: Meet the Staff

The work of theological and ethical reflection is done by particular human beings in specific circumstances, imbued by the ethos and pathos of the Sitz im Leben in which they have been formed and in which they live, think and write. For that reason we as a publishing team thought it might be of some value in this month’s issue to offer JLE readers a glance into some of the formative ideas, perspectives, circumstances and hopes that shape our work at JLE. Since I have already shared my ideas on the future of JLE elsewhere I will focus here on my theological journey and some of the greater influences on my Lutheran theological formation as new editor of JLE.

Journal of Lutheran Ethics: In Service to Witness

Childs brings a unique perspective having been with the Journal from the very beginning. In this article he explores the recent history of Lutheran ethics, why ethics are a key part of the Lutheran witness to the gospel, and how the Journal has been a gift to the ELCA as well as to students and teachers.

Nonviolent Action: What Christian Ethics Demands but Most Christians Have Never Really Tried (Brazos Press, 2015)

[1] There are few authors who can get away with quoting themselves in an epigraph. The prolific and popular evangelical leader Ron Sider, who does just that in Nonviolent Action, is perhaps one of them. Sider’s influence and rich experiences as a Witness for Peace volunteer and early proponent of organized, collective nonviolent activism lend […]

Loving Later Life: An Ethics of Aging (Eerdmans, 2015)

[1] Frits de Lange is professor of ethics at the Protestant Theological University in the Netherlands and Extraordinary Professor in Systematic Theology and Ecclesiology at the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. His book on the ethics of aging needs no apology for its relevance in the graying of our world, a phenomenon more immediate affluent […]

Millennials and Lutheran Ethics: A Doorway Back Into Connection

Millennials are a hot topic in churches today–how do we stop churches from hemorrhaging them. Writing as a millennial herself, Dean examines why millennials are saying they’re leaving churches, what they are looking for in a faith community, and how Lutheran ethics can provide a space for millennials to re-engage. ​

So That You May Discern…

Reflecting on Romans 12:2, Willer explores how theological discernment is essential when working to love one’s neighbor as oneself. The Journal is a way for readers to morally discern a Lutheran response to the pressing issues of the day while exposing them to new perspectives and voices.