Editor’s Comments – Farewell and Thank You

Victor Thasiah has resigned his position with Journal of Lutheran Ethics. In the fall, he will begin teaching Christian ethics in the department of religion at California Lutheran University. He would like to offer these words of farewell and thanks:

Farewell readers and contributors! Thanks to Roger Willer, Senior Director for Studies, simply the greatest colleague in all creation. Thanks to Michael Shahan, JLE’s excellent book review editor. Thanks to David Scott, the best publishing partner one could ask for. Thanks to Kaari Reierson, JLE’s founding editor, friend and ongoing inspiration. Thanks to John Stumme, JLE’s beloved mentor. Thanks to Libbi Williams, JLE’s summer intern, dreaming up new possibilities with me for the journal. And finally, thank you subscribers and readers; it’s been a great honor and pleasure hosting Journal of Lutheran Ethics with Kaari over the past three years.

Victor Thasiah

Vic Thasiah

Vic Thasiah is a California Naturalist and trail runner.  He is the founder and executive director of Runners for Public Lands, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit environmental organization, and an associate professor and the chair of the religion department at California Lutheran University.