Surekha Nelavala is a Rostered leader of DE-MD Synod, ELCA, serving at Global Peace Lutheran Fellowship, a mission site and at Harmony Community Lutheran Church.
Review: Womanist Sass and Talk Back: Social (In)justice, Intersectionality, and Biblical Interpretation. By Mitzi J. Smith
August 2019: Book Review Issue (Volume 19 Issue 4)
[1] Scriptures and their interpretations are highly influential in forming the norms of a culture. The act of scriptural interpretation has long fallen into the hands of those who hold positions of privilege and power, yielding readings that either affirm the status quo or further benefit the privileged sectors of society. Those who are […]
Surrogate Mothers in India — Are they empowered or exploited? A discussion from a feminist perspective
June 2015: Surrogacy (Volume 15 Issue 6)
In her article, Surekha Nelavala compares surrogacy practices in India to those in North America. Writing from a feminist perspective, she contrasts surrogate mothers in North America who give “a priceless gift to the intended parents,” with the Indian fertility clinics, often dubbed “baby factories.” The thrust of the article deals with the dilemma that, while providing much needed income to many Indian families and thereby temporarily empowering surrogate mothers, the practices of the Indian surrogacy industry exploit and objectify surrogate mothers, often having disastrous and life-threatening effects on their lives and their families.