Author: Chris Suehr

Chris Suehr is an ELCA pastor studying Religion and Culture as a PhD student at the Catholic University of America.

Presence, Piety, and Belonging: Intentional Digital Experiences during and after COVID-19

 [1] Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, it quickly became cliché to refer to “these uncertain times,” or “these unprecedented times.” It seems like every single email started out that way. But we belong to a tradition that allows us to think beyond these limited views. All times are uncertain, but we know that God cares […]

Distilling Dignity: Our (ELCA) Emerging Definition

We often talk about inherent human “dignity”–but what does that mean? Does the ELCA have a consistent definition? Suehr examines each of the ELCA social statements to thoroughly analyze how often they use the term and concept of dignity and what they mean by it. This piece is particularly timely as it comes during the draft period for the upcoming social statement on women and justice.